The Existential Angst of Stuart Bloom
Just remember folks, no politics, religion or Charlie Chaplin.

Personally my knowledge of politics ends around the time Marat was stabbed in his bathtub, but I know it continues to aggravate people. And we have the actions of fictional people in a fictional universe to concern ourselves with!

So, about Stuart Bloom...

Incidentally, I don't suppose he's named after either Leopold Bloom from Ulysses, or even Leo Bloom (named after Leopold), the nervous, neurotic flailing accountant from The Producers?

[Image: anigif_enhanced-buzz-17915-1383707184-2.gif]

All hail Gene Wilder.

Messages In This Thread
The Existential Angst of Stuart Bloom - by Wisp - 01-06-2014, 07:16 PM
RE: The Existential Angst of Stuart Bloom - by Moonbase - 01-07-2014, 03:24 AM
RE: The Existential Angst of Stuart Bloom - by Idle Miscreant - 12-22-2014, 04:41 AM

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