The Existential Angst of Stuart Bloom
I wonder what the actors really think about the story arc. Sometimes it seems a bit like a version of The Truman Show, only the characters/actors, can see the audience, and the writers room. I do think that what these studios do is turn out sit coms, like factory production lines. When they find one that works, they really work it. Friends warped sit com writing/production. Get ready for a load of TBBT copies. Let's throw a load of quirky characters together and see what happens. But then they didn't know what to do with them, except the obvious. Here's Stuart having fun, again!


Messages In This Thread
The Existential Angst of Stuart Bloom - by Wisp - 01-06-2014, 07:16 PM
RE: The Existential Angst of Stuart Bloom - by Moonbase - 01-07-2014, 03:24 AM
RE: The Existential Angst of Stuart Bloom - by ricardo shillyshally - 11-05-2014, 05:06 AM

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