Doctor Who - Bigger on the inside
I think he needs better scripts. This whole angst-ridden internal pain thing is irritating after a while. Blow some shit up, make it about him, not the fandom stand-in.

The rock star entry with the tank was awesome. That's what we want, the Doctor and Missy careering through time and space, causing havoc.
This could be why I was squeeing at my local thrift store, which had a whole whack of vintage Doctor Who episodes. I get to spend 2017 immersed in Baker, Pertwee and McCoy.
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I'd love them to have Missy as his companion but they don't do it. No idea why, maybe the young demographic want a young assistant. I've noticed he responds to older actors better. Just saying ....
I wasn't that impressed with "Missy" in season 8, IMO, she felt like she was just the latest con woman/psychopath wanna be girlfriend of the Doctor. I miss the bat crap crazy, evil Master or the sophisticated (still evil) Master.

This character (Missy) screwed with how the Doctor finds his Companions, which is why the TARDIS hated Clara and then..... Nothing. Missy and Clara weren't working together, the TARDIS does a 180 and loves her and in the end there was no reason ever given (that I know) for introducing this plot point. Oh Moffat, how you vex me.
“There are no scenes more fun to do, I feel like, than the ones between Sheldon and Penny. They are such a wonderful odd couple.” - Jim Parsons
'Missy' was a way of getting around the very dodgy subtext/bromance/borderline slashery that 10 and Simm!Master brought to the party. The whole best frenemies backstory works well - last of their kind, a shedload of history together.
Peter Announces He Is Leaving Doctor Who

Well, it has been rumored that Peter hasn't been happy how Doctor Who has been run for a while.

It's also been rumored that the new Companion Bill will not be a true Companion, may only be in half of the episodes and will not continue on when the new Showrunner takes over.
“There are no scenes more fun to do, I feel like, than the ones between Sheldon and Penny. They are such a wonderful odd couple.” - Jim Parsons
I got ten seconds into the promo and stopped it. WTF is that muppet? Shrill, dim and obnoxious.

The writing has declined, far too much pandering to a teenage fan base and US tv schedules. (And yes, this goes for Sherlock, too.). Capaldi sparks better with someone nearer his own age, he doesn't need to be babysitting a moron.

Also, I'm going to disagree about having a female Doctor. Bring in a genuine TimeLady for him to squabble with, yes. Write a few female characters than aren't hard-faced psychotics or arm-candy.
I've read that people think that she's supposed to be a cross between Donna Nobel and Ace. I'm hoping it was just a badly written introduction (not to mention announced way to soon considering the year long break), unfortunately with this being Moffats last year and last opportunity to write a Companion that will topple Rose and SJ from the favorite Companion list (something he's been desperate to do) I'm sure she'll end up being another special snowflake.

I'm not for making the Doctor female if it's just a lazy way to have the "Doctor" be attracted to a man or a publicty stunt to say the Doctor is a woman. I wouldn't have minded if Catherine or Billie had come back as 12 (to remind the Doctor about his purpose in life) but since they did that storyline with Peter it would just be PR stunt now.
“There are no scenes more fun to do, I feel like, than the ones between Sheldon and Penny. They are such a wonderful odd couple.” - Jim Parsons
I'm all for female roles as a lot of my heroes are actually heroines but I don't know if I'd like a femme Doctor. Maybe if she were gay and androgynous. That might work. Otherwise I think keep him male.

I'm glad Capaldi is stepping down though, the guy just didn't fit with the writing, something was definitely off. He lacked the warmth of previous Doctors.
I want my Doctor to be a guy. BUT, I think we should have a female Timelord--and there is one out there in classic canon--Romanadvoratrelundar aka Romana! She went into E-Space, so would have been out of the time wars, etc. Just have her come back. Plus, she has a K-9 with her.
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