04-06-2014, 02:19 AM
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3 Penny Blossoms | 0 | 0% | |
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The Neutral zone | 1 | 7.69% | |
1 Dirty Sock | 5 | 38.46% | |
2 Dirty Socks | 3 | 23.08% | |
3 Dirty Socks | 4 | 30.77% | |
Total | 13 vote(s) | 100% |
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7.19 The Indecision Amalgamation
04-06-2014, 02:36 AM
(04-06-2014, 02:19 AM)Tuesday Pajamas Wrote: I couldn't agree more Dev. It's beyond ridiculous and over-exaggerating to hear that apparently MB is now the 'only funny one on the show' or 'takes away the spotlight in every scene she's featured in'. She doesn't take away the limelight naturally she just hogs it away from others and certainly not by talent either. I don't take those shAMY's seriously whenever they say some BS about how much 'everyone adores Amy' or that she's 'made the show better'. Unlike her Sheldon can pull off being funny while he's being an asshole, but with her it just comes out as malice and rude as fuck. It simply leaves a bitter taste in your mouth and you're scowling at the screen the whole time you hear her speak. If MB is supposedly 'stealing the spotlight now' then JP better watch out cause he may lose the next nominations/awards to her (sarcasm sign). That absurd woman has yet to win or be nominated for anything. The only reason these kiss-ass fans Amy-ites and other non-Sheldon fans say that is because JUST like Amy they can't stand Sheldon's personality and only like him when he's acting 'normal' around her because he's less jittery. Thanks to her he's lost his muchness he's being treated as a tamed animal who once roamed free. These Amy-ites refuse to believe or understand that just because he was alone it did NOT mean he was lonely. And yes there IS a difference while he enjoyed his times with the guys he preferred time to himself more.
04-06-2014, 10:39 AM
I agree MB does not know how to deliver a sarcastic or snarky line as Amy with the fun it's intended. It always comes across as very mean spirited. There is nothing charming or endearing about AFF. I don't think many of the general audience roots for her or thinks she steals the scene. She's a fucking buzz kill imo.
04-06-2014, 11:52 AM
@ Jislane.
Please don't make derogatory remarks about the actors. Criticism is fine but no abusive terms. Thanks. There are no decent jokes in this episode. It's no wonder Amy is getting attention, she's the only one getting any half decent lines. Still, the gaming scenes were awful. Sheldon didn't get a single gag, except throwing away the coin. Which appeared in the promo for a reason! There were a few mildly amusing jokes but I didn't actually laugh. But then again neither did the audience! Did anyone notice this? The laughing was quieter (which is a relief) but it did demonstrate how weak the episode really was. Can you believe the ratings? People are watching it but I don't think it will stay on top much longer. It's just not that funny anymore. And Sheldon doesn't know if he wants thai or a burger. HE HAS A DINNER SCHEDULE. But then there's a kiss on date night that appeared out of nowhere. So I guess there are no rules to the characters or the show anymore.
04-06-2014, 12:38 PM
(04-06-2014, 11:52 AM)Tuesday Pajamas Wrote: @ Jislane. Sorry about that Tuesday, I'll take out the nose comment from my response for you. You just know how I get every time I read/hear more and more about these kiss-ass 'Ms. Universe' comments from her idiotic fans that are putting her on a pedestal more than MB already does herself. I believe that if we were to earn strikes for posting comments that go a little too overboard on our opinion towards our least favorite actors, I would definitely be taking Sheldon's class right about now LOL. Were there a lot of ratings for this episode? Or was it just the usual? You know the fact that the laughter wasn't as ecstatic in this one somewhat foreshadows how a good half of the future episodes for the next 3 seasons may turn out to be like. On top of there being no wolf-whistles, applauding, or cat calls during the ACK scene, it shows that the audience may just get over Sheldon becoming a little more physical towards Amy soon enough, or at least I hope so because it's really not that big of a deal to begin with. Besides the fact that it's still OOC for him to be doing that kind of crap without demanding to cleanse each other's mouths first after just eating a meal. And holding hands without sanitizing them, not deciding between XBOX or PS4 when I bet he could've had more than enough to earn both, forgetting about his weekly dinner schedule, etc. etc. I wonder if the next Shamy kiss will be demanded from Amy a third time...I wouldn't be surprised really. ![]() And it also sounds as if they're intentionally giving Amy all of the better lines that way she'll be earning more laughter during her scenes than Sheldon just like they do during the Lenny scenes. Making both Leonard and Amy look like the 'superior' ones who have to put up with their 'annoying, immature, and unfair' partners that way the audience can relate with their 'struggles' over the people they can't have and also because they just hate Shelly and Penny in general. They could honestly leave Sheldon and Penny for other people but they instead prefer to stay in good-enough relationships that they have a better chance of being in control over since they never had the opportunity to be the dominant ones in their lives. Or have any free will over anything thanks to their overbearing mothers who they are turning out to be exactly like. I swear Leonard and Amy are SOOOOO in sync with each other and have way more to relate with than anyone else in the gang yet they're too focused on themselves to notice any of that. Leonard shows more concern for Amy than her own BF and that says a lot to me, he notices whenever she's in a bad mood and tries to give her words of encouragement. He never does any that for Penny, all of the 'advice' he ever gave to her were all pretty much half-assed or pessimistic. And although I'm not proud of Penny's attitude or the direction on where her career is heading she honestly did show more a little more concern for Sheldon than she ever did for Leonard. Hell she even showed more concern over Raj as well and they're not even together and he's been an ass to Penny at times as well. I guess that's why some fans are starting to see more potential between them lately but Penny's obviously taken already and Raj's date sounded as if went pretty smoothly. But if neither of them work out then I wouldn't mind them ending up together, I'd support Penny with anyone besides Leonard. Of course that would be very unlikely to happen at this point and the writer's don't seem to like Raj enough to end up with The Girl (more like Leonard's property) of the show. Due to the poor treatment of his character right now it'd be a little too good to be true you know? And as usual Leonard wouldn't give them their blessing and will forever hold a grudge with both Raj and Penny over it. He obviously called dibs on her and you just can't go against the bro-code like that (sarcasm sign).
04-06-2014, 01:55 PM
(04-06-2014, 12:38 PM)Jislane35 Wrote: Sorry about that Tuesday, I'll take out the nose comment from my response for you. You just know how I get every time I read/hear more and more about these kiss-ass 'Ms. Universe' comments from her idiotic fans that are putting her on a pedestal more than MB already does herself. I believe that if we were to earn strikes for posting comments that go a little too overboard on our opinion towards our least favorite actors, I would definitely be taking Sheldon's class right about now LOL. I try to avoid the celebrity side of the show now. There's far too much self-marketing going on. It's unpleasant. Breathing and talking into someone's face during a kiss? That would never have happened last season. Morelo has successfully deconstructed Sheldon and no one cares. The show has been lost to mediocrity and Amy's scenes are quite often the best of a bad bunch because they care about her character and are sympathetic to her. There is no longer any sympathy for Sheldon. It's difficult to even imagine why she dates him. I'm just waiting for the next scene where Penny and Sheldon get to be alone again. ![]()
04-07-2014, 12:45 AM
(04-06-2014, 11:52 AM)Tuesday Pajamas Wrote: And Sheldon doesn't know if he wants thai or a burger. HE HAS A DINNER SCHEDULE. But then there's a kiss on date night that appeared out of nowhere. So I guess there are no rules to the characters or the show anymore. That's just lovely. Who is this guy? Because I'm sure as hell this is not our Homo Novus. Maybe some aliens have taken Sheldon and replaced him with a bad copy. ![]()
Man darf nicht das, was uns unwahrscheinlich und unnatürlich erscheint, mit dem verwechseln, was absolut unmöglich ist. - Carl Friedrich Gauß
04-07-2014, 06:07 AM
(04-06-2014, 01:55 PM)Tuesday Pajamas Wrote: I try to avoid the celebrity side of the show now. There's far too much self-marketing going on. It's unpleasant. This New!Sheldon is not even the same character from seasons ago, hell even last season. So is Fowler "dating" him for who he was, quirks and all, or for this new cartoon flopping around? Any person that is a fan of this show, especially the older seasons, will see the OBVIOUS abrupt changes to all of these characters. At what price?? To what end?? ![]() And to think, the so called "best" part of this episode is having Fowler whine and make snide comments to her friends and boyfriend. I will not be convinced that Shamy is some breakthrough romantic...whatever it is; I don't care how much Fowler forces Sheldon to play kissy-face with her. Since when does the AFF character become the focal point of this show? It's a daggone shame. It really is. ![]()
The following 10 users Like queenoftheDales's post:
• Idle Miscreant, FlyingMonkey, Berliner, Jislane35, FranEssi, justaphraseimgoingthrough, Tuesday Pajamas, Toad, Wisp, Jomi25
04-08-2014, 01:27 PM
Well, I finally watched the episode although I still have no idea why I did that! I watched it once and I fast forwarded some parts so this may not be the most accurate review for this episode. This was my general impression anyway:
I agree with everyone that said the episode was extremely boring and lackluster especially the parts Howard, Bernadette, Penny, Leonard and Raj were sitting together talking. It's funny how Leonard in particular has become even MORE boring ever since they tried to make him more 'adult' and more of a supportive boyfriend. Can it be that Leonard's specialty is being a douchebag?! It's the Howard makeover all over again. Old Howard was sleazy but at least he was funny; well, way funnier than the improved Howard IMO. Is the same happening to Leonard? I dislike Douchebag Leonard but at least he stirrs some kind of emotion in me (i.e. anger!) but the improved Leonard can't even do that. Or maybe Leonard is simply on his way to complete the last stages of his Marty Stu status since one of the signs of a Marty Stu character is that he "ceases to have significant faults. "Significant" meaning faults that cause conflict with other characters/the rest of the story's verse without making the other characters look like jerks." What I'm trying to say is that it seems to me that the writers don't know how to write Leonard as a good guy without making him boring, or how to write him having faults and causing conflicts without having him come across as a douchebag. I don't know what to think of Penny and her new acting gig yet. Hope they are not implying that her acting career is going to end up like Wil Wheaton's. I'm sorry to say this, but when I watch this new Penny with Leonard, I sometimes can't help but think that she deserves him. She does nothing to change the status quo and she seems to be satisfied with whatever benefits dating Leonard is providing her. Sheldon was not as bad as I thought he would be. He still acted too animated for 'Sheldon'. Him not being able to decide what game to buy was OOC IMO, and I'm not even going to comment on the kiss. Amy and Sheldon and their relationship still come across as Nanny-Child. I think the butter scene was actually very symbolic and showed how different Sheldon and Amy are as people. They indeed live in two different worlds. Amy shouting was horrible and not at all funny, or attractive. If your boyfriend's passions and quirks bore and frustrate you this much, maybe it's time to rethink your relationship.
The following 6 users Like FranEssi's post:
• Jislane35, Idle Miscreant, queenoftheDales, Gamma, Toad, Jomi25
04-09-2014, 01:51 PM
Worst episode of the season for me. I gave it three dirty socks. I would have much preferred the guys arguing over Xbox and PS4, it would have been funnier. Let me rephrase that, it would have actual been funny.
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