Doctor Who - Bigger on the inside
I'm really beginning to lose patience with Clara! What the hell, Moffat? What's the point of creating the incredible girl who jumps through all the Doctors timelines and sees ALL of his regenerations, then have her freaking out for the last few episodes "cause he's different". It really makes me miss the companions that got over it.

My final straw for Clara happened at the end of Mummy by lying and saying Danny wanted her to leave, but he changed his mind, so she's staying. Nope, get the hell out of the TARDIS little girl, time to go back to your boring boyfriend, and Beans on Toast. You having proven you don't have what it takes to be a companion to the Doctor.

Next time on Doctor Who. The doctor is stuck in a shrinking TARDIS while Clara takes over the episode again.
“There are no scenes more fun to do, I feel like, than the ones between Sheldon and Penny. They are such a wonderful odd couple.” - Jim Parsons
These plot autopsies aren't exactly filling me with budding enthusiasm to tune in to the new series. Aside from this Clara how are the stories themselves? Innovative? Repetitive? Boring? Or is it hard to tell as Clara dominates the show? Is the new Doctor rising above all this pap?
Let's go exploring!
I have found this season to be pretty uninspired but I really enjoyed this last episode. Flatline had a creepy monster but also had humor. Clara had a big roll but I didn't find her annoying and The Doctor was entertaining. Whoever wrote this one needs to do more episodes. If you wanted to check out an episode WPP this might be a good one.
Unfortunately, from the prviews, there are children and Danny Pink this next episode. That doesn't seem auspicious.
Oh wow, oh wow, what an adventure.
Haven't watched Flatline yet, but I wouldn't give up on the season WPP, the moments that have The Doctor trying to figure out what kind of man he is, are pretty incredible. The old references, him offering Jelly Babies and channeling Classic Doctors Are great, I just wish we would get on with it.

All the other doctors by this time knew who they were, but this one doesn't yet. Does he remember that Gallifrey was saved? If he does why isn't he looking for it? He's channeling classic Doctors, plus remembers Matts Doctor but doesn't seem to remember Chris or David's Doctors and their companions, Why? Whats with him choosing the face of the Stone Peddler in Fires of Pompeii? I still want space and time and running for your life and clever stories, but the heavy companion episodes plus the children and Pink are getting in the way of knowing who the Doctor is. He might be more alien this time around, but no matter how much the show has changed, the companions are there for us to get to know and connect with the Doctor, not take over the show.
“There are no scenes more fun to do, I feel like, than the ones between Sheldon and Penny. They are such a wonderful odd couple.” - Jim Parsons
[Image: 1cAvll6.jpg]
Finally got around to watching the Christmas episode. After the two part season final of turning the Master into a whiny lovesick girl and the blatant aren't I great I brought back the Brig even though he's dead fuckery from Moff (it's like he's trying to hard, and was anyone else like you turned the Brig into a Cyberman? Not to mention every other Companion and Friend of the Doctor that's been buried on Earth for the last couple of Centurys). So anyway, Christmas episode.... Um, anyone else think it was basically Amy's Choice with Dream Crabs. I spent most of the episode waiting for the Dream Lord to appear and for some reason wanting to kick Santa. Happy Saturnalia. Maybe it's me, I'm starting to hate the shows I loved.
“There are no scenes more fun to do, I feel like, than the ones between Sheldon and Penny. They are such a wonderful odd couple.” - Jim Parsons
You're a braver person than me, Nutz. I haven't taken a peek at the new series. Something within me says they should have pulled the plug after Smith and given some real thought to it and then relaunched it. You're confirming my fears as to the trajectory of the series.
Let's go exploring!
There are just so many things I don't understand about Clara, it's just like River. Moff writes a character that you think is going to awesome and then 12 episodes later you're screaming at the TV.

Here are my main problems with Clara:

1. She is supposed to have gone into all the Doctors timelines, seen every version of him, yet she throws a hissy fit when he changes into 12. "you've changed, (turned old) I don't know if I like you, or if I want to stay"

2. They started this heavy flirting game with 11 and Clara and as soon as 12 says one thing about them not being boyfriend and girlfriend she runs off and "falls madly" in love with the first guy that says Hi to her.

3. The TARDIS didn't choose Clara as a companion, The Master did. Which means we weren't supposed to like her, (even the TARDIS hated her), but "The Moff" seemed to change his mind and now wants to make her the #1 bestest companion ever. Puke

4. Moffat wasn't content to have "just" the 50th anniversary and desided for some reason to "reboot" (sort of) the series so he created the "War Doctor" instead of just using the 8th Doctor in the Time War. (Both the 4th Doctor and the 11th Doctor stated in canon that they get 12 regenerations, and 13 bodies, and 11th Doctor said he was on his 13th body.) So Moffat not only screwed up the order 9th is 10, 10th is 11, Meta is 12 (and the Valeyard), making the "11th" Doctor really the 13th, but then he has him saved, which mean he DIDN'T die on Trenzadore, and that means it's NOT his grave and that CLARA couldn't have jumped into a grave that wasn't there. So now she's like Schrodinger's cat? WTF Moffet!

5. She treated the Doctor like a dog (Moffats words) a pet that picked her up every Wednesday for an adventure and then brought her back to continue her boring life, while he mucked around on his own. Apparently, every single companion realizes that the Doctor needs someone with him all the time after a couple of weeks, but not Clara (or maybe she just doesn't care).

6. It's all bout her. How she feels, and what she wants. She treats the Doctor like a three year old. Clara scolding the Doctor because he said that juvenile delinquent wasn't special reminds me someone.... let's see who does she remind me of..... full of herself, treats the most brilliant man in the universe like a three year old, thinks she should get everything she deserves (she was going to throw all the TARDIS keys into a volcano if the Doctor didn't go back in time and save Danny. In fact, she did, She just didn't realize the Doctor was one step ahead of her)... I'm sure it will come to me soon. Angel

I cried when I found out Moffat felt like "her story" wasn't over and we have at least another year of her in the TARDIS. I swear, if I have to see another episode where she acts like SHES the Doctor, WineWineWineWine..............................

Oh well, at least I have season 2 of Broadchurch to look forward to. (Please have it be good)
“There are no scenes more fun to do, I feel like, than the ones between Sheldon and Penny. They are such a wonderful odd couple.” - Jim Parsons
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Broadchurch is on it's finale now, isn't it? Big Grin I want to get around to watching that series. My mum's completely into it, so much that she shouts at everyone to be silent once it's on the telly.

As for Doctor Who. I'm not old enough to have watched it from day one, but my parents saw it for years and therefore ensured that during my child hood - and my poor brother's too - we had at least some of the episodes played to us when they were on. I always remember being terrified of the Daleks. Shocker there. As a small toddler one would be, I suppose. I also had a very good memory of Davros, so that when he turned up on the s4 finale of new-Who, both my brother and I were like 'whaaaat? He's dead, isn't he?'

The first time I sat down to properly watch new Doctor Who was when The End of Time aired on BBC America - at the time, my family had lived there. Weirdest two years of my life. Everyone else had kept up with the new series, except for me, because I wasn't really bothered about tv shows most of the time. I'm literally late with watching any series. I was obviously confused trying to follow the plot-line, although I felt somewhat sorry for the Master as I watched the episodes. And I remember thinking that it was actually a really good show. So I went to Netflix and spammed the series from the 9th Doctor to the end of the 10th. I loved every moment.

I used to resent Martha, because she replaced Rose and I'd gotten used to seeing Rose there as the companion. However, going back over the series again, I can see that Martha was actually a great character. She may have angsted after the Doctor for the whole season, but she was loyal and trustworthy - and quite capable at looking after herself most of the time. Rose was more someone that gave the Doctor purpose after he'd been drifting post-Time War era. Then there's Donna. She was a breath of fresh air and totally kept up with the Doctor's mood-swings. Definitely his best friend, at least at the time.

Those four seasons, plus the Christmas specials, were enjoyable and I'm glad I sat through them all. Yet the Matt Smith years did my head in. I got through the fifth season with some difficulty, but I couldn't force myself to finish the next one, or even watch them anymore. River Song was doing my head in. She was a total Mary-Sue, I felt. Amy was very stale and not at all realistic enough to be a person I could relate to or want to watch for much more than I had to. Rory was at least adorable enough that I got through series 5.

But the series just didn't gel with me since Moffat took the reigns. I never could enjoy his writing in the earlier seasons. It was very plot-holey most of the time and the OCs that entered the episodes stole the show from the Doctor. The companions that travelled with the Doctor at the time were barely recognisable in his episodes and the monsters that were featured were kind of lame - except for the Angels. They proper creep me out.

So yeah, I utterly hated how the series went once Moffat was in charge. The writing was irritating. The directing wasn't brilliant. And the plot itself seemed to be completely random. I don't know what the new Doc is like - my brother's been watching it, but he's not impressed at all - nor do I know anything about Clara. I just know that since she's a Moffat invention, she can't be all that impressive. It's just fact.

That's my two cents on new-Who Big Grin.
[Image: lost_paladin_banner_by_milleniumring-d8i4gzv.jpg]
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Anyone else warning to Capaldi? I didn't know at first but now I'm slowly getting it...
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