Poll: Rate this episode
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3 Penny Blossoms
0 0%
2 Penny Blossoms
1 9.09%
1 Penny Blossoms
6 54.55%
1 Dirty Sock
2 18.18%
2 Dirty Socks
1 9.09%
3 Dirty Socks
1 9.09%
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7.12 The Hesitation Ramification
I don't know why they insist on shoving so much into an episode that is only 20 some minutes long. Most hour dramas don't have this many subplots. The Sheldon plot was.weak but did we really.need.to see Bernadette reinact the diner scene from When Harry Met Sally with ? Talk about pointless.
Oh wow, oh wow, what an adventure.
(01-03-2014, 11:12 PM)Gamma12 Wrote: I don't know why they insist on shoving so much into an episode that is only 20 some minutes long. Most hour dramas don't have this many subplots. The Sheldon plot was.weak but did we really.need.to see Bernadette reinact the diner scene from When Harry Met Sally with ? Talk about pointless.

I know, and all of these "critical" reviews for the episode were raving about that scene with Bernadette. I found it very uncomfortable and not the least bit funny.
Avatar by wickedgrdn @ LJ
(01-03-2014, 11:12 PM)Gamma12 Wrote: I don't know why they insist on shoving so much into an episode that is only 20 some minutes long. Most hour dramas don't have this many subplots. The Sheldon plot was.weak but did we really.need.to see Bernadette reinact the diner scene from When Harry Met Sally with ? Talk about pointless.

Not just that but I found the tone difference between the seriousness of Lenny and the silliness of Sheldon (won't even get into how jarring the Bernie scene was) just didn't do anything for me. For a dramady the Lenny scene is fine but I thought TPTB said it was supposed to be a show of one-shot humor. It's hard to know what's expected of me as a viewer given that TPTB keep changing the product. Moreover, the Lenny plot really emphasized the silliness of Sheldon's plot (which really gave me a flashback to Data on Next Generation learning about humor). I don't know, maybe I'm last on the train about this one but this episode really gave me the feeling that they had one plot and no other original ideas and so copied and pasted the sub-plots taken from other shows.
The only part I liked was the opening smartphone bit. Very true. But it was instantly ruined by yet ANOTHER sex-starved-Amy quip. And I've gotten so tired of Bernadette's voice that I just have to mute her. Nails on a chalkboard, for those who remember what a chalkboard is.
(01-04-2014, 12:49 AM)CassandraElise Wrote:
(01-03-2014, 11:12 PM)Gamma12 Wrote: I don't know why they insist on shoving so much into an episode that is only 20 some minutes long. Most hour dramas don't have this many subplots. The Sheldon plot was.weak but did we really.need.to see Bernadette reinact the diner scene from When Harry Met Sally with ? Talk about pointless.

I know, and all of these "critical" reviews for the episode were raving about that scene with Bernadette. I found it very uncomfortable and not the least bit funny.

Wow there are people giving the Bernadette scene high marks? It was not funny and yes it was uncomfortable like "do I laugh at this or what".

I do agree with your other post about Sheldon caring enough about Penny to get up to go comfort her. Yes, he was trying to learn comedy and saw an opportunity to put the timing theory to work but, he at least connected with the fact she was hurting and needed a laugh.
(01-04-2014, 04:40 AM)taffinabean Wrote: I do agree with your other post about Sheldon caring enough about Penny to get up to go comfort her. Yes, he was trying to learn comedy and saw an opportunity to put the timing theory to work but, he at least connected with the fact she was hurting and needed a laugh.

Imagine how much BETTER this would have been if Leonard had let Sheldon go over. Angel We might have got a few laughs out of this episode which it completely lacked. In his own way Sheldon helps her stand up and fight back, rather than sinking into self-pity like she does with Leonard.
(01-03-2014, 11:12 PM)Gamma12 Wrote: I don't know why they insist on shoving so much into an episode that is only 20 some minutes long. Most hour dramas don't have this many subplots. The Sheldon plot was.weak but did we really.need.to see Bernadette reinact the diner scene from When Harry Met Sally with ? Talk about pointless.

YES! I agree! The Bernadette bit wasn't even a full-fledged sub-plot. More like a micro-plot. And completely unnecessary.

And I take issue with this notion that Sheldon doesn't understand jokes/humor. He's laughed at jokes before - "floppy disk" anyone? - granted he usually has to dissect them first, but it proves that he's capable of abstract thought. As opposed to how he's all of a sudden a complete literalist now. And what about "bazinga"? Isn't that what's known as a comedic gotcha? Sheldon seemed pretty adept with it back in the day.

Poor Raj. With all his mates ensconced within relationships, he's become the show's resident poster child for social awkwardness. In the old days, even with his mutism issues, he used to be able to score female, um, companionship on occasion. But now he has to screw up all his courage just to speak to a mall security guard? A man?

Is continuity the new hobgoblin of little minds?
(01-04-2014, 05:09 AM)thetoadoftruth Wrote:
(01-03-2014, 11:12 PM)Gamma12 Wrote: I don't know why they insist on shoving so much into an episode that is only 20 some minutes long. Most hour dramas don't have this many subplots. The Sheldon plot was.weak but did we really.need.to see Bernadette reinact the diner scene from When Harry Met Sally with ? Talk about pointless.

YES! I agree! The Bernadette bit wasn't even a full-fledged sub-plot. More like a micro-plot. And completely unnecessary.

And I take issue with this notion that Sheldon doesn't understand jokes/humor. He's laughed at jokes before- "floppy disk" anyone? - granted he usually has to dissect them first, but it proves that he's capable of abstract thought. As opposed to how he's all of a sudden a complete literalist now. And what about "bazinga"? Isn't that what's known as a comedic gotcha? Sheldon seemed pretty adept with it back in the day.

Poor Raj. With all his mates ensconced within relationships, he's become the show's resident poster child for social awkwardness. In the old days, even with his mutism issues, he used to be able to score female, um, companionship on occasion. But now he has to screw up all his courage just to speak to a mall security guard? A man?

Is continuity the new hobgoblin of little minds?

Oh yeah, they have completely forgotten about Bazinga.

Also I think Raj got laid as early in S1 and he also had that date with the girl who was gay and looking for a husband. They take the characters backwards so they can rewrite them. Raj was never that useless. Howard tried to teach him how to pick up women but Raj always did better. Remember while Howard was trying to be The Falcon? Raj ended up kissing that big girl at the bar.
Yeah, Raj had better luck with women before he figured out how to talk to them. In the Halloween episode the first season, he hooked up with one of Penny's friends at least a couple of episodes before Penny started supplying him with grasshoppers. Sure she was drunk but she liked that he was a "good listener". Now he can't even talk to guys and old ladies, please.
Oh wow, oh wow, what an adventure.
After thinking about this episode I have decided to rate it one Penny Blossom. The bulk of it was very average but it is such an important moment for Penny and it proves what Shenny's have been saying for years – a girl like her wouldn't be content to work at the Cheesecake Factory for 10 years and just be a wife to Leonard.

Last season they had her saying she had NO PASSION for anything but having him as a boyfriend (and Sheldon as a friend) it was pretty lame! Now they have proven that this is false. Penny does want more from life and Leonard hasn't encouraged this because he thinks he'll lose her.

The writers have to tried to fix a massive hole in their relationship – the fact there is no unconditional love between them and that the show has treated Penny like just his piece of ass for all these years, I personally think it's a little too late!

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