Sheldon/Penny- Collections, Drabbles and PoV's
21. Two Sides of a Medal by Tumblr Ate My Soul (Must have HQ account to read)
The first part is Sheldon that likes Penny and the second is Sheldon that is content with Amy. (Sheldon POV)

22. Waiting for the End by MixItUp
Stuart watches Sheldon and Penny. Shenny (Stuart POV)

23. Spit Take by BobtheFrog
Why Sheldon was so insistent in the opening that Amy was not his girlfriend. One-sided Shenny (Sheldon POV)

24. The Light Splitting Experiment by droidgirl
A five-time fic about Amy, her relationship with Sheldon and Penny, and what it's like to accidentally blend into the background through no fault of her own. Implied Shenny (Amy POV)

25. Spin by damalur
Sheldon asks the universe why; the universe declines to answer. One-sided Shenny (Sheldon POV)

26. The Hacky Sack Cogitation by causidicus-an
What does Sheldon think about during those twenty minutes? Set during 6.8."The 43 Peculiarity" Shenny (Sheldon POV)

27. The Juice & Muffin Quandary by Red Bess Rackham
It's not just the orange juice with too much pulp or the over toasted English muffin - but Sheldon's not about to admit that. (Sheldon POV)

28. Untitled by Darkly Dreaming
That fateful encounter in which she steered him toward another woman was the catalyst for his emotional downward spiral, until he was a mere shell of a once-formidable Home Novus. Drabble. (Sheldon POV)

29. Sheldon's Log by Risknight
Various selections from Sheldon's journal written the first year he knows Penny. (Sheldon POV)

30. Close by MrsVincentCrabbe
Leonard's feelings on Penny's wedding day to another man. Shenny (Leonard POV)

31. Lies We Tell Ourselves by Besottedly
Focuses on the prompt "lies we tell ourselves". It was written for the fourth Fiction Friday at Paradox.  Drabble (Penny POV)

32. That River in Egypt by Wolf Maid
Leonard tries to explain away what he sees. Shenny Drabble (Leonard POV)

33. The Radial Velocity Condrum by Lady Lioness silver
Raj can suddenly talk to Penny and he is determined to find out why this change happened. (Raj POV)

34. The Hofstadter Nocturnal Inference by gwendy
A series of nightly observations leads Leonard to believe Sheldon is having sexual relations with Penny. (Leonard POV)

35. The Last Day on Earth by CSI Ames
What will happen when it's the end of the world and Penny and Sheldon are left to wait for it alone? (Penny POV)

36. Database Corrupted by Anita
Raj finds himself lost in an extremely odd yet strangely familiar world. Shenny (Raj POV)

37. That Thing With Feathers by Dsieya
When it came to Sheldon, Mary Cooper knew better than to get her hopes up. Shenny (Mary POV)

38. Nightmare by crystalballer
Set after The Maternal Congruence. Shenny (Leonard POV)

39. Interest Point Zero by LovelyLittleSeddie
Many people will tell you Sheldon has no interest. One-sided Shenny. Drabble (Sheldon POV)

40. Logarithmic Curves of Her Backside by
A look inside the fun world that is Sheldon's head as he thinks about his relationship with Penny. Set during "The Adhesive Duck Deficiency." Not quite "shippy" but a bit more than friendship. (Sheldon POV)
“There are no scenes more fun to do, I feel like, than the ones between Sheldon and Penny. They are such a wonderful odd couple.” - Jim Parsons

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RE: Sheldon/Penny- Collections, Drabbles and PoV's - by Nutz - 06-05-2017, 04:07 PM

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