Vintage Haven: Strictly Old Episode Discussion
I am only one-third through the episode right now, and it is just a joy. Sheldon is on fire, right out of the gate. "In the Matrix, the food would be better" is prob. one of my all-time favorite lines. Leonard is noticeably whiny and the others are having none of it, they're like "Nope, Leonard, nope." Howard is the snarky voice of reason, as it should be. Also, I like Leslie a lot...

More observations:

Sheldon in his Spock costume is fun, and it emphasizes how elven-looking he is, he looks like Elrond or like Oberon the fairy-king or something.

Everybody is snarky to Leonard in this ep, and I can't say that I mind. I don't hate him, but he's just so ineffectual and weak and he seems literally uncomfortable in his own skin. The ep. ends on a fairly pleasant note with nothing majorly bad happening to anyone, though.

There's a clever comparison of science to religion when Leslie and Sheldon are debating string theory at the apartment. Nice little snippet of satire.

Sheldon sitting on the stairs with his laptop is like me, when I'm trying to steal my neighbors' Wifi Wink

Raj apparently had a romantic encounter with a guy dressed as a green Orion slave-girl. Oh, Raj, you poor naive devil.

Howard does not deny that he would be sexually aroused by mud XD

Penny's date, Eric, is not especially hot, IMO. He's just tall, which is something that has never particularly impressed me, personally.

The dialogue has a simplicity and naturalness to it which is nice. Leslie is quirky but not in a mannered, artificial type of way, and she seems believable. Leslie can be mean, but in this ep. it doesn't feel genuinely hostile or OTT.

There's not much Howard & Raj in this ep, but that's perfectly okay. Even though they're my fave characters, I would rather see them used sparingly but *well*, rather than being over-exposed and used badly. Their little zingers and witticisms and random weird stories have more punch when the scenes are brief. As much as I love them, they work well as secondary characters, and I'd choose that, over all the *redacted* we get later on.

I love Howard's jester costume so much, I *might* like it the most out of all his costumes, even more than Gothowitz. It's just adorable. And he's proud that his mother made the hat!

This ep. flows nicely and it's well-paced. Personally, I *still* find the Leonard-Penny-Leslie shippy stuff ever-so-slightly tiresome and I would've rather followed the guys around the Renaissance Fair and seen what kind of mischeif they got into, but the shippy stuff isn't even *really* shippy stuff, because it's handled in a light, facetious, non-serious way which makes it much more tolerable and comedic. At no point does the ep. get bogged-down. There are no scenes of Leonard and Penny alone together or even exchanging much dialogue at all.

Sheldon's historical nit-picking is fun, as is the confusion between Schrodinger and Schroeder from "Peanuts"...

There is a nice long Shenny scene for the Shenny people, with the now-famous "love trumps hate" line.

Sheldon's innocence, as a person, is very evident in this ep, and I mean that in a positive way. One doesn't sense much real hostility even when he describes Leslie as his "arch-enemy." The verbal banter doesn't carry an uncomfortable sting. There's some discussion of what it means to be a friend, and how a friend should behave, and Sheldon has a valid-to-him viewpoint which just happens to be at odds with the viewpoint of most people around him.

I found it interesting when Sheldon says that he doesn't like to go places alone. (the movies, a coffee shop.) The reasons he gives for this are practical, not social/emotional, but it makes me wonder whether Sheldon is truly an introvert. I suspect that "Is Sheldon an introvert, or not?" would make for a very complex and lengthy debate...

While there's a Shenny scene, there is none of Penny and the guys alone together as a group, in this ep, and I don't mind that, because I like the four guys as a unit. Not everything has to be centered around the 5 eating Thai food. I don't know how the Shennies feel, but "Penny becomes close to Sheldon but doesn't necessarily spend much time with the other three" would've worked for me, as a format. P/R and P/H interactions don't do much for me.

Leslie tells Leonard that being short is a genetic defect. Um...pot, kettle.
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RE: Vintage Haven: Strictly Old Episode Discussion - by Louise - 10-29-2014, 02:00 PM

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