Sheldon/Penny: Junior Rodeo (Revenge Stories)
41. Batter Up (100 Ways To Kill A Doctor) by matuisgman
Here is my second addition to the nny is a little out of character, but it is beginning season 2. So character not established argument? 1500 words in story, Doctor death and mayhem. As well as a Penny/Sheldon "Relationship". Also I ran out of words, so Sheldon is really casual about the events. Sorry.

42. 100 Ways To Kill A Doctor: Problem Solved by Risknight
Raj takes matters into his own hands.

43. 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor: The Far, Far Better Thing by Daedaleopsis
When Leonard realizes that Penny is miserable because of him, there's only one way he can make things right.

44. 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor by JustMyLuckiness Soft Kitty
Leonard's had one too many second chances when word of his infidelity on the North Sea voyage reaches Sheldon and Penny. During their discussions about what to do, they discovered a new closeness and Sheldon comes to similar realizations about Amy. Together, our heroes decide on the most appropriate punishments for their erstwhile significant others' sins.

45. 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor: Halloween Challenge by Jaycie Victory
Halloween Challenge where writers are encouraged to create a story outlining the death of Doctor Leonard Hofstadter and/or Doctor Amy Farrah Fowler, thus stopping the deterioration of Sheldon and Penny forevermore. Based on Series 3 Episode 23, The Lunar Excitation. Early Shenny. This was so much fun, Please bear in mind this was written tongue in cheek!

46. 100 Ways To Kill A Doctor: Suspects by Risknight
Yet another story for the Halloween Challenge

47. 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor: A Simple Mistake by mariteri
My answer to the 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor challenge! Needless to say that there will be MAJOR character deaths. Rated T to cover my bases

48. 100 Ways To Kill a Doctor: Spanish Flu by Shenandoah76209
Bernadette has had quite enough of the machinations of Amy and Leonard


50. Homeostasis (100 Ways to Kill a Doctor) by WellPlayedPenny
Change is never fine. Or is it?

51. 100 Ways To Kill a Doctor: Ooops? by Shenandoah76209
It really was an accident, but pissing off a junior rodeo champion is never a good idea

52. 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor: The Real Criminal Mastermind by Daedaleopsis
Murder shouldn't be this easy

53. 100 Ways to kill a Doctor Halloween Challenge: Vengence by matuisgman
Another one. 1500 words exactly, death, and a more platonic relationship

54. 100 Ways To Kill A Doctor: The Flames Burn Brighter by Risknight
Another story for the Halloween Challenge. Only a couple more weeks until all the ghosts, goblins, and ghouls come out to play

55. 100 Ways To Kill a Doctor: Making a Clean Slate by Shenandoah76209
Howard isn't stupid. Nor is he unobservant

56. 100 Ways To Kill A Doctor: Comeuppance by Risknight
Yep, it's another story for the challenge

57. 100 Ways To Kill a Doctor: It's Always the Quiet Ones by Shenandoah76209
He's been observing the changes for quite some time and he really doesn't like what he sees. Something needs to be done




Messages In This Thread
RE: It's Junior Rodeo On - by Nutz - 09-05-2015, 10:55 AM
RE: It's Junior Rodeo On - by Nutz - 09-07-2015, 02:39 PM
RE: Junior Rodeo - Revenge Fics - by Nutz - 09-26-2015, 06:59 AM
RE: Junior Rodeo - Revenge Fics - by Nutz - 10-16-2015, 09:32 AM
RE: Junior Rodeo - Revenge Fics - by Nutz - 10-17-2015, 01:26 PM
RE: Junior Rodeo - Revenge Fics - by Nutz - 03-14-2016, 07:15 PM

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