Your Definitive "Jump The Shark" Moments
(06-17-2014, 07:41 AM)wellplayedpenny Wrote: Have to go back to the episode that made me curse my poor telly--Amy, Wil and Sheldon doing Fun With Flags and the moral of the episode being 'even if your girlfriend attacks a friend of yours for no reason, you still have to stand up for her when the friend justifiably defends himself'. This was for me the defining moment when I realized that the lessons Sheldon was learning regarding relationships weren't just a little off-kilter or strange or odd but instead were absolutely fucked up. And even worse, it wasn't just Amy doing the manipulation but the writers themselves in a very heavy-handed script. I mean LeVar Burton agreeing that Sheldon had to support Amy at the end of the show? Just garbage. Sock

And with alcohol and violence, no less. Wheaton's expression says it all really...

[Image: MV5BMTM5Mzk3MTU3N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDA1...SY720_.jpg]

Sheldon you poor fool, what have they done to you....

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RE: Your Definitive "Jump The Shark" Moments - by Idle Miscreant - 06-17-2014, 07:55 AM

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