I just got around to watching this episode yesterday so I hope you all pardon the lateness of my comments. As an eternal Shenny optimist, these are a just a few of my thoughts, delusional as they may be...
I am genuinely intrigued as to why anyone would automatically assume that the end result of the psychic's prophecy is necessarily a GOOD thing for Sheldon and Amy. Presuming the whole thing isn’t just a bunch of malarkey in the first place (because psychics are always right, right?), I concede it would certainly appear to predict eventual Shamy sex. However, whether or not that sex directly leads to a happy ending or not for Sheldon (excuse the pun
) remains to be seen. We all know the road to happiness is very much a two-way street and involves, equally, figuring out what you don’t want out of life as well as what you do. There is a reason it is often said that you learn more from your mistakes than you ever do from your successes. With three years left to go with this show, it is just as reasonable to believe that, by turning the key and committing to Amy, Sheldon could potentially realize that he may have made the biggest mistake of his life. Sheldon's happiness is the end goal and the prediction only stipulates that Amy is the conduit, rightly or wrongly, by which that happiness is achieved. Actually, it is no different than the advice Sheldon gave to Penny in S1 about Schrodinger’s cat. Committing to opening the box (in this case Amy’s
) only guarantees that you eventually find out what’s inside. Why would people assume that after being exposed to such a toxic relationship, the “kitty” in question would necessarily be anything other than dead?
I guess what I am trying to say is that if people choose to believe the prophecy is gospel, then I also think they choose to ignore everything else the writers actually wrote into the episode. I thought it was very slight of hand that while they distracted everyone with fantastical predictions, the writers took great pains to continue to show us that Sheldon and Amy really otherwise fail at every conceivable metric by which any normal healthy relationship is actually measured.
They don’t have honesty in their relationship and, once again, she was caught lying and feigning illness in order to get what she wanted - in this case, free time away from all the “complaining”. Not exactly the stuff on which “for better or for worse” is based if you ask me. They say that your relationship tends to act as a mirror and reflect back at you your own personality - the healthier the person, the healthier the relationship (so to speak). So it is not surprising to me that Sheldon, who has manipulated many people in the past to get what he wants, now finds himself in the exact same situation with Amy.
The other fans always say how compatible Sheldon and Amy are but I think they confuse compatibility with having shared common interests. At its most basic level, isn’t true compatibility a measure of just how comfortable you are with another person? Amy freely admits that after four years of dating, she doesn’t even have that. She confesses her true feelings to Leonard (another sign she lacks communication with her own boyfriend) but deliberately proceeds to push Sheldon even further away with the schoolgirl outfit. As Major Gripe pointed out, unless you are a Shamy fan, Sheldon’s response to it can’t be interpreted as anything other than one of confusion and discomfort. It’s the old mantra of “what you fear, you create”. Amy’s afraid that Sheldon is uncomfortable with her but all of her actions achieve that very thing. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy and really the only prophecy with any credance offered up in this episode that the viewers should actually be paying attention to. If TPTB expect me to believe that Shamy sex is literally “written in the stars”, and will provide Sheldon with professional clarity, then I assume Cosmology will be his next field of study with a focus on black holes. It was at the top of his whiteboard for a reason. I can certainly see Sheldon being able to relate to the idea of a once massive star becoming completely burnt out and slowly dying, destined to collapse in on itself as the strength of Gravity (as in the type that might be found up someone’s skirt
) increases dramatically. I'm sure Amy could definitely inspire a Nobel Prize winning paper on that!!
Finally, I love how the writers took a nice jab at the Lenny too, once again reminding us that sex is really what motivates Leonard to do anything for Penny that he otherwise wouldn’t. He said pretty much the same thing to her face in S5 when they went to the documentary movie on dams. Now the writers give us this lovely tidbit. After insulting Penny’s beliefs and arguing with her about psychics in S3, even going so far as to buy her a book about how psychics are all frauds in order to prove his point, I love how this new episode with Sheldon and Penny simply juxtaposes that one. Penny said it best - true friendship means doing things for each other because… that’s what friends do! They support each other without the anticipation of receiving anything in return. Isn’t that the only solid foundation on which any long lasting relationship is actually built?