Vintage Haven: Strictly Old Episode Discussion
Quote:Shock Dry popcorn? That's just scandalous...

Well, it's not totally unflavored, but they don't have that liquid butter stuff, at all, and they don't have salt or salt-shakers for you to use, at all.

Korean food has a reputation for being spicy, but I've found it to be the opposite. They like things sweet and bland. Things that are supposed to be salty are sweet, here. Sugar on garlic bread, on fries, on pizza. Yes, it's horrible Dodgy

Their traditional foods are more sour than spicy, because everything is pickled/fermented/preserved. It's not necessarily bad, but it makes your mouth feel puckered.

ETA: oh, and people love dried squid as a snack, so sometimes the movie theater stinks of warm squid meat. Bleh.

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RE: Vintage Haven: Strictly Old Episode Discussion - by Louise - 11-02-2014, 09:02 PM

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