TV/Movie/Book Disappointments and Successes
Positives - Ben Aaronovitch 'Rivers of London'

Basically, urban fantasy meets police procedural. The Met has a very small section that deals with supernatural weirdness. The young copper who narrates, Peter Grant, is the kind of snarky pop culture asshole who'd fit in well around here, and his superior officer DCI Nightingale is a Badass Gentleman Sorcerer. (Ben A used to write for Doctor Who, and wants Paul McGann to do the role on telly.) It's sharp and weird and a love letter to London, all in one.

Messages In This Thread
RE: TV/Movie/Book Disappointments - by Toad - 01-07-2014, 03:00 AM
RE: TV/Movie/Book Disappointments and Successes - by SpaceAnJL - 04-07-2014, 09:45 PM

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