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1.08 The Grasshopper Experiment
This episode is interesting in that A) Raj wants to be a bachelor, yet later on feels like he's the only one without a girlfriend and is now desperate, B) His parents first appearance suggest that they would be okay with their son being gay (kuroon and tamberie) and they also seemed okay with Sheldon and Leonard being there, C) Sheldon didn't make Howard move from his spot (when did he start that?), and D) It's never addressed how Raj answers the phone if there could be a woman on the other end?

I also loved this episode for the interaction between the boys and Penny. I love that one day, Penny did get the hand of talking to Sheldon. I wish we could see how long it would have take Raj to figure out he was talking to a woman. I can't believe Raj is so obnoxious, drunk, and it's not a wonder ten years later, he still can't ind a woman. Also, loved Sheldon being truthful...and I loved that it is apparent that he can get around without Leonard in this season...and until season like 5.

I loved that Sheldon could be very complimenting of women and spend an enjoyable time with them, and Lalita could have been a perfect match for Sheldon.

I just want to make a comment on Penny's mixing drinks, and Sheldon's denying the alcohol, I think it's unfair of Penny to force it on him, especially knowing that his father's an alcoholic. I know it's funny, but at the same time, it's not, at least to me. Another thing as well, there's nothing wrong with not wanting to drink and no one should feel like it is required to be an adult to drink, which the shows seems to imply.

I like how Leonard says, "You don't leave with your friend's date." and then turns around and does it in early season two. He's a hippocrate.

Messages In This Thread
RE: 1.08 The Grasshopper Experiment - by Nutz - 05-11-2015, 02:11 PM
RE: 1.08 The Grasshopper Experiment - by Louise - 05-13-2015, 10:44 AM
RE: 1.08 The Grasshopper Experiment - by Jenger - 12-16-2017, 09:22 AM

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