Season 8 - promises and threats *SPOILERS*


Howard slept with his cousin, and the cousin is now dating Stuart, but Stuart is Howard's father because he lives with Howard's mother, but he's also Howard's mother's son, because he's Howard's replacement, so that makes him Howard's brother, so Howard and his brother both screwed Howard's cousin, and Stuart is Howard's cousin-in-law. Bernadette is Howard's mother, which makes him a motherf*cker, and Leonard & Penny are Sheldon's parents, except Leonard's mother kissed Sheldon, and Amy has replaced Sheldon's mother and grandmother....

Oh, but Shenny can't happen because Penny is Sheldon's sister AND his mother...


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RE: Season 8 'Promises' and 'Threats' - by Nutz - 06-10-2014, 03:01 AM
RE: Season 8 - promises and threats *SPOILERS* - by Louise - 10-14-2014, 12:20 PM

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