Season 8 - promises and threats *SPOILERS*
(10-14-2014, 12:38 PM)Idle Miscreant Wrote: I'm sorry, 5 couples? FIVE COUPLES?

Are we intending to repopulate the planet after the flood waters die down?

5 motherfucking (apt curse word there) couples!

This show struggles (all shows struggle, except MASH possibly) with more than five regular characters, now they've got TEN?

Even in the golden age of Season 1-3, the best episodes were the ones with a single central plot involving all of them - Penny gets involved in online gaming, Sheldon learns to drive, Sheldon gives a speech, the guys build a robot, Penny and Sheldon fight - OR - Plot A) Sheldon/Penny, Plot B) Leonard/Raj/Howard (Adhesive Duck, Work Song, Vegas, Pancake Batter etc)

The problems that have been caused by adding more characters cannot be fixed by adding even more! Why not just throw a bucket of water on a drowning man whilst you're at it!

*exit spluttering in disbelief*

This madness has to stop Gripe. Talk about out of control. TPTB and writers seriously need to stop using the show to deal with any issues they may have.

(10-14-2014, 12:20 PM)Louise Wrote: MorlockShockMorlockShock


Howard slept with his cousin, and the cousin is now dating Stuart, but Stuart is Howard's father because he lives with Howard's mother, but he's also Howard's mother's son, because he's Howard's replacement, so that makes him Howard's brother, so Howard and his brother both screwed Howard's cousin, and Stuart is Howard's cousin-in-law. Bernadette is Howard's mother, which makes him a motherf*cker, and Leonard & Penny are Sheldon's parents, except Leonard's mother kissed Sheldon, and Amy has replaced Sheldon's mother and grandmother....

Oh, but Shenny can't happen because Penny is Sheldon's sister AND his mother...

I'm at a loss Louise. TPTB are really going there with Howard's cousin and Stuart? Your breakdown of the characters above makes you think how screwed up this show has become.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Season 8 'Promises' and 'Threats' - by Nutz - 06-10-2014, 03:01 AM
RE: Season 8 - promises and threats *SPOILERS* - by Trust No One - 10-14-2014, 10:54 PM

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