SPOILER WARNING: What fresh hell is this? - S9
(08-26-2015, 06:06 PM)Kimk26 Wrote: Okay, as I've been MIA for the last week and just getting caught up on all the hoopla/goings-on, I shall now try to say a little of my piece (in other words..my opinions and far-out theories!) on Season 9 so far. It may come out a little jumbled, as there's much to comment on and it's a little all-over-the-board..

1. The Leonard/Penny Wedding:

First of all..I have a thought about the Lenny marriage. Part of me feels pretty strongly that after episode 3--despite the consensus online that they'll soon be setting up housekeeping--that the exact opposite will take place, and that we'll be seeing the deconstructing of the marriage. I don't see them divorcing, actually, 'cos that's pretty heavy, and, yeah, I don't think the show really wants to get that weighed down after all this. The reason I don't believe they're going to have Penny and Leonard settle down is because..well, in sitcoms, it seems to be a general rule that once the main couple comes together in matrimony and settles down, it's the beginning of the end/doesn't leave the protagonists much to strive for in the love and romance department. And I kind of think in stories, that's the big thing the audience really gets behind. We're not all that interested in domesticity (case in point: Howard and Bernadette.) We want to struggle along with the couple, root for them. With marriage and settling down, there's no more room to root. Comprende? (Note: In the case of H/B, I make an exception. Howard should have remained single. That's where his greatest value was, as an actor and as a character. Single Howard is hysterically funny. And resourceful! And surprising! Now, he's henpecked and dull, and pretty much directionless, because he lost his purpose altogether as a character. They just try to 'fit him in' now, it seems. Whatta' waste. And remember how he used to be happy? Every time he'd be constructing some new ploy to get a woman, you could SEE the glee on his face, as he rubbed his hands together and got to work! And as a side benefit: it gave Raj some neat stuff to do, too, as his sidekick/wingman. Do we see that kind of joy and relish in him these days? Most times--if we even see him at all--he's either slumped and resigned, or irritated about the life-suckingly-boring situation with Stuart. Both men look like they pretty much want to hang themselves in the garage. Geez..)

Getting back to L/P, though.. I said that I believe their marriage is going to be deconstructed. For the reason above, but also, because, as the canons are pointing out..let's face it, they were given a really shitty/implausible wedding. As we've learned through the spoilers, while the gang is watching the wedding via Skype, the pronunciation and kiss and everything were completely missed because of Sheldon and Amy's argument drowning it all out. If the show really meant for L/P to have an actual wedding, it would not be done this way AT ALL. The gang (and audience/viewers) would have seen and heard the entire ceremony. So this seems to me to be something they'd want to do over/do justice at some later point (if at all).

The way I think they could avoid a dee-vorce? Haha, this is the good one. And yeah, it's a theory. And yeah, it's far-out. But remember a few seasons back..at Thanksgiving at Howard's mom's.. And somehow it came out about Penny being married to Zack..that, back when they were dating, they'd been in Vegas and thought they'd had a "pretend wedding", only for Penny to realize when it's explained to her that the weddings there are real, etc. So, because Leonard was so upset about it, she invited Zack to join them so he could sign annulment papers and get it all over with. Well..if there's ANY possibility that those papers never got filed.. I mean, it was never made clear who filed them. I would assume Leonard would be chomping at the bit to do it. But it really wouldn't be his place. So that would leave either Penny or Zack. And, as much as I love the guy, he's really not the sharpest tool in the shed. So he may not be able to be counted on for such an important task. So then yeah, that would mean it was up to Penny. And I mean, let's face it, if she wasn't even aware that she'd been married in the first place, I really wouldn't put it past her to let the filing of these papers slip her mind. This is not to put her down, mind you. But it's kind of Penny's thing to not always be on top of stuff. And also..with her commitment issues..I'm still not convinced she felt ready for marriage with Leonard. At least subconsciously. Leonard may have reminded her left and right to file those papers after the holiday..yeah, I can see that. But a part of me wonders if Penny subconsciously sabotaged any future commitment with Leonard by failing to mail in those papers, and then forgetting about it. I mean, she's been pretty obviously in denial every step of the way with this relationship with Leonard. When people are in denial, you just don't know what they're capable (or incapable) of.

The reason I bring up this theory at all is because..it just seems weird to me that it had even become a plot point in the first place. Have any of you ever thought of that? I could see the writers creating this scenario as a kind of foreshadowing of the future. Because, I know it was comedic as a situation for Penny. But..why even go there? I think it's possible that, as much as Molaro insists the characters write themselves/lead their own story, with the writers really not knowing where it's going (yeah, right)..I think it's entirely possible there's outlines and story arcs put in place ahead of time. Even as much as a few years ahead. Especially as the idea of how to get Penny and Leonard married has probably been something the writers have been trying to figure out for years. It's gotta be a constant objective on the table. So yeah, I could see them writing in some foreshadowing. Sure. It'd be a cool idea to try, anyway.

One might point out, though, the improbability of using something that took place in a previous season in future storylines, I give you case in point: Leonard's kiss at sea two years ago. Yes, they mined something from two seasons back to bring about a wrench in the works NOW. You see how they did that?

And now that I think of it..bringing Zack into the episode, as well. Calling in a character/actor, after so many years absence..yeah, it was way-cool to see him--(did I mention I LOVE Zack? That dude is funny as HELL..)--but yeah, them going as far as having Penny INVITE an ex to her Thanksgiving celebration with her current boyfriend and his friends, and him showing UP.. They had to make a show of them having the papers and him signing them. Is it just me that this is a whole lotta' bother (though it gave the episode some great laffs) to rectify a situation that could have been handled off-screen/at another time. I just feel somehow like us seeing those papers held some meaning. And without Zack there, there would have been no reason to actually physically see them. But then, the mailing of them was handled--presumably--off-screen. Just kind of weird to me.

And now that we're talking weird.. Now that I think of it..how plausible is it that Penny wouldn't know she was married? I mean, she's not a genius academically like the guys. But we know she's smart in many other ways. About people, for sure. And..she sure has given Sheldon a run for his money. MANY TIMES. It's why he actually respects her. He trusts her intuitiveness and insights. And she couldn't hold down this pharmaceutical sales job if she didn't have the smarts. So, this all establishes that she's no dumb bunny. A dumb bunny would go to Vegas and assume the wedding chapels hold fake weddings. Penny's smarter than that. Way smarter. Hmm.. This is not to say that the writers/PTB suddenly think Penny's dumb again (as in early season one). But..bending the rules a little can make an excellent plot device..

And lastly (as long as we're talking 'weird')..the reason the whole Vegas wedding remembrance came up in the first place? Because it being Thanksgiving, Penny was reminded of the time she and Zack spent their Thanksgiving in Vegas. Pardon me if I may be grasping here, but..who the hell goes to Las Vegas on Thanksgiving!?! Sounds, again, to me like a bit of plot-contrivance theater. A rather implausible means-to-an-end, no?

So yeah, that's my forecast for Leonard and Penny. Smile Far-out, but possible. Y'gotta admit, it would be an easy-out for this marriage/sham of a wedding. Not too messy. Except, Leonard would probably be furious. But then, Penny could just shoot back at him, "well..you kissed another woman!" Yes, these two have a bright future..

(Weird side-note: As much as I love Sheldon and Penny together, I really wouldn't be all that opposed to her ending up with Zack. I mean, if it came down to him or Leonard..God, yes, I would have her pick Zack. He's tall enough for her, handsome, and likeable. Three things that, in my opinion, Leonard is unfortunately NOT.)

2. The Sheldon/Amy thing:

I never felt comfortable nor warmed to AFF as a partner for Sheldon. Mainly for the reason that she's been so thoroughly instrumental in the deconstruction of his character. Apparently they've broken up (well, she's broken up with him..) All I can honestly say is I'm glad, and hope they don't reconcile in future episodes. I've always contended that she was never a truly viable mate for him, in that I've felt the writers brought her on as a distraction for Sheldon in the L/P/S triangle. Essentially, a plot device that got away from them. And while we're at it, an exercise in the writing of dysfunction in relationships. In that respect I do feel somewhat bad for the character, if that makes any sense. Because, without Sheldon, I really don't see what use there is for her to be around. Prime example: it made no sense to me whatsoever that Howard and Bernadette welcomed her to watch L/P's wedding, while leaving Sheldon--literally--out in the cold. That was really low, inappropriate, inconsiderate, baffling, etc, etc. I mean, Sheldon was their friend first. And Leonard's best friend and roommate. If anyone had more of a right to be there.. Again, I say, geez..

3. The Shenny Kiss:

I think it's fabulous. I don't care if it's Leonard's dream, or the canons need to downplay it's significance (the fact that it's Penny with Sheldon). Yeah, okay, I can agree that seeing as it's Leonard's dream and not taking place in their 'real lives', yeah, I can see that it wouldn't have a direct bearing on Sheldon's relationship with Amy. At least not right at first. The part I don't agree with..I don't think it's insignificant that he dreamed of her with Sheldon. The way the canon people are talking, it's irrelevant that it's Sheldon. It could have been anybody, and it just happened to be about him because Leonard needed to imagine it with someone he'd never think of as a threat. Or some such nonsense.

I think it's completely telling that it was Sheldon (from Leonard's perspective.) I think from day one Leonard has worried over whether Sheldon would be a threat to his pursuit of Penny. I mean, look at the pilot episode: Even after Leonard told her what he did for a living, she noticed and was drawn to Sheldon's board first. And when Leonard observed (as did we all) the chemistry and sudden attraction between the other two, he had to wedge himself in there and call her attention to his own. It was SO obviously a pathetic move. And yeah, she DID sit on the couch (in Sheldon's spot) and, patting the cushion beside her, asked him (in a flirty manner) to sit next to her. Sheldon, that is. This did not escape Leonard's notice, either. That's why I think he called 'dibs' on her, right from the get-go. He saw the possibility of Penny pursuing Sheldon, so, knowing if he staked the first claim--and counting on the fact that Sheldon was inexperienced and oblivious enough not to give it too much thought--he had to make sure he would be the only one in the running.

It's come up again and again in the series. Not so very often or obviously, but it does. Like, when Penny snuck out of Sheldon's room the night she went to him for advice for Age of Conan. When she saw Leonard in the hall: "Don't go in there, Sheldon's not wearing bottoms", and Leonard suddenly wide-awake: "Sheldon, you wanna catch me up..??" Or when he came home the morning after Sheldon had been locked out and had to spend the night at Penny's: "And you'll be happy to know I have a MUCH BETTER understanding of 'Friends with Benefits'.." Again with, "Sheldon, you wanna catch me up..???"

Etc, etc.

And add to the fact the time when Amy confided to Leonard her feelings of sadness and confusion over the closeness of Sheldon and Penny's relationship. As I recall Leonard was a bit taken aback, at first, at Amy's admission. But as she described their special kind of bond, yeah, it got Leonard thinking about it again, too.

Eh, I could go on and on here about Sheldon and Penny, and how much most everyone in the gang pretty much sees exactly what we all see. Even down to their own partners. But that would be preaching to the choir, right? I must point out, though..as far as this upcoming kiss between them.. Even some of the canons have admitted it will be nice to actually see Sheldon in a passionate clinch for once..(although they wish it had been with Amy). I have to say..watching him kiss Amy..particularly their first romantic kiss on the train...As I recall, he looked GREAT. But that's where the appealingness stopped. On her end..it was like he had his lips pressed against sagging wallpaper. But with Penny. I'm sorry if this sounds shallow. But like Gripe pointed out in an earlier post..Sheldon and Penny are the ones people fantasize about. Not Leonard and Amy. Sheldon and Penny..they're both really attractive people. So it goes without saying that it would be exciting to watch them together. But it's not just their looks. It's their connection, their chemistry. But again, I know..preaching to the choir!

I think it's telling somehow, that..well, we must keep in mind that all of this is fiction. It's writers coming up with stories and creating teleplays. Then the directors come in and block the scenes and so forth. So what we see is strategically planned out. It's not natural. It's not real people. It's not improv. So yeah, when Sheldon and Amy kiss..well, in rehearsal, the director probably told her (and it was probably in the stage directions in the script) "Mayim, can you make your face look like a flattened cabbage? That's a girl.. (Just so she happens to be natural at it..)

But with the upcoming Shenny smooch..it's a whole other story. They were directed to go at it with gusto. The both of them. Although, I think it'd be pretty damn near impossible for Kaley to look anything but good while kissing, you know? I can't imagine her looking like a wilted price of anything. But you get my point. Jim and Kaley are going to look hot because they were directed to. Make no mistake. And it's glaringly obvious to everyone (Shamy's included) that he's never been directed to look hot kissing Amy. I know it's in his character to be dull-looking with her. Whereas he's gonna steam up the place with Penny because he's "dream Sheldon" and therefore, can be out-of-character. But it's still very telling. Whether they want to go with the angle of it being harmless 'cos it's just Leonard's dream, the fact remains that they're doing it at all. Doing it HOT, at all, as well. They could have just as easily had Sheldon in character kissing Penny in the dream, right? You know, all dull and stoic like they have him with Amy. Why did they choose to make it no-holds-barred? Can anyone answer this? If TPTB are so in love with the idea of Sheldon and Amy, and love and want to please the Shamy's, as some seem to think, why would they have the audience see Sheldon and Penny so hot and heavy and just the opposite for Sheldon and Amy? Again, they didn't HAVE to go at that way in Leonard's dream, as it appears it's just being chalked up as him realizing how Penny must feel thinking of him with someone else. If that's the case, it was unnecessary to make it so passionate. And with everyone so convinced that Sheldon and Penny are like, BLECH, "brother and sister" (writers included), then why take SUCH a huge risk, to go to the extent of upsetting a good portion of their fanbases? The canons are speculating that it may just be for gratuitousness, but..I think there's other possibilities. I personally feel that..well, c'mon, they've known for years over there that there's been a huge interest in the idea of Sheldon and Penny together. They've been dangling it in our faces for years. And, in actuality, they're the ones who put the idea in our heads in the first place by writing them that way, over and over again. From day one. So..I have no idea where it's going to go, but I believe it's entirely possible that they might be trying to gauge if there's still an interest in the coupling. And this may be their (non-committal) way of finding out. They've got two years to go on this thing. And they're smart. And yeah, they see the comments floating around in the social media, of people getting sick of the established (dysfunctional) relationships. They see that most people hate 'married Howard' and are bored to death with him and Bernadette. They don't want to be boring for the next two years. You can't have all settled couples for the remainder of the series. It just doesn't work like that. So they're shaking things up. At least that's the way I see it.

Now if only there was some way they could break up Howard's marriage..it'd be all set! In Seinfeld..when they wanted to break up George and his fiancee Susan..remember how they did that? Heh heh..I know, it's awful for me to even THINK of such a thing now.. But Bernie's getting a little too annoying these days. And harpy. And downright nasty sometimes, now that I think of it. They've got her working in some biology lab somewhere, right? Would it be so wrong to have her come in contact with..no, I can't go there..can I go there? I mean, she's had close shaves before..the time she was in quarantine. It wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility.. Or maybe Amy's prince, Faisel (?) has a brother or something? Or maybe Faisel himself..those guys take multiple wives.. Huh.

OH! And I just had one last thought! If it's expected that Leonard and Penny are headed for marital bliss..yeah, they wouldn't suddenly show Sheldon and Penny having a hot make-out, right? I mean, if they want us to accept and root for a marriage, and then immediately have a dream sequence where the 'wife' is having such a hot time with his roommate..yeah..I really wouldn't call that a writers endorsement of a marriage. And now that I think of it..Leonard imagining Sheldon as being so..uncharacteristically uninhibited with Penny..that, too, reveals something of how Leonard may subconsciously view Sheldon. Like, with his conscious mind, he sees with his own eyes how stoic and stiff Sheldon is in showing affection to Amy. And he hasn't heard anything to the contrary about their private times. So he makes the understandable assumption that Sheldon is not passionate. But in his dreams..his subconscious mind tells him something else. That maybe the only reason Sheldon's not demonstrative with Amy is because..it's Amy. But with Penny..it's possible his roommate has another side. If I were Leonard, yeah, I'd begin looking a little closer at things in the future. Although..yeah, dysfunctional/denial is Leonard's M.O. So, yeah, even if he chooses to ignore his subconscious, and suppress it, we, the audience, know what he really thinks. Whether that's something TPTB want us to infer..well, that's debatable, I guess. My feeling, if they wrote it, it means something.

Hello, “Kimk24”.
Thumbs up and Congratulations! What a great post! Critically, exactly, based on good observation and wonderful formulated.WineWineWine
(There I can be directly envious……no, of course not. Really great work!!!)Big Grin
I full agree with your opinion. I am also convinced that the possibility of a real “Shenny”-relationship, was never out of the mind of the writers. This two characters are too much at the center of the attention and they are the core of the show. And like “The intimacy….” has shown there are very much truth (….oh sorry…wrong series..) very much viewers out there who would like to see it when Penny and Sheldon become a couple some day.
And yes. You are right. This “dream-sequence” could be the proof, that Leonard was from the beginning unconsciously jealous of Sheldon. When we look the first seasons again…..Leonard had tried to impress Penny in many ways, Howard tried to conquer her with his “Casanova”-styleSarcasm, and what did Sheldon? Nothing. He had to be only himself to get Pennys attention, and the scenes where we saw that Leonard did not like it are many ones. So this “dream” could be the admission, that-despite the talk about “best friends”-he saw Sheldon as rivals and potential danger……and perhaps still does.
By the way, I don’t remember where it was, but I remember that I have read somewhere about the rumor that the channel-network is thinking about the seasons eleven and twelve.
Well, when I saw this first I became eyes-rollRolleyes, but than…..after thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that it must not be bad. In this time were the authors forced to make something new, because….I can imagine that even their fans would be bored by this “Shamy”-and “Lenny”-things.Morlock
(Also here, with us, in Germany-when I look into forums where it is about “TBBT”- the most viewers are annoyed about this canon melodramatic “relationship-waste”)
So, if there come further seasons there will be have a lot of chances to create new plot-lines with new (or old) priorities, new(!) relationships……and of course it would be enough time for Penny and Leonard to become divorced…(Giggles)sass
Hope you will bring more great posts like this one in future.
See you here next time.
Until then: Shenny for the win!!!
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(08-27-2015, 09:03 AM)Ratman77 Wrote: Hello, “Kimk24”.
Thumbs up and Congratulations! What a great post! Critically, exactly, based on good observation and wonderful formulated.WineWineWine
(There I can be directly envious……no, of course not. Really great work!!!)Big Grin
I full agree with your opinion. I am also convinced that the possibility of a real “Shenny”-relationship, was never out of the mind of the writers. This two characters are too much at the center of the attention and they are the core of the show. And like “The intimacy….” has shown there are very much truth (….oh sorry…wrong series..) very much viewers out there who would like to see it when Penny and Sheldon become a couple some day.
And yes. You are right. This “dream-sequence” could be the proof, that Leonard was from the beginning unconsciously jealous of Sheldon. When we look the first seasons again…..Leonard had tried to impress Penny in many ways, Howard tried to conquer her with his “Casanova”-styleSarcasm, and what did Sheldon? Nothing. He had to be only himself to get Pennys attention, and the scenes where we saw that Leonard did not like it are many ones. So this “dream” could be the admission, that-despite the talk about “best friends”-he saw Sheldon as rivals and potential danger……and perhaps still does.
By the way, I don’t remember where it was, but I remember that I have read somewhere about the rumor that the channel-network is thinking about the seasons eleven and twelve.
Well, when I saw this first I became eyes-rollRolleyes, but than…..after thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that it must not be bad. In this time were the authors forced to make something new, because….I can imagine that even their fans would be bored by this “Shamy”-and “Lenny”-things.Morlock
(Also here, with us, in Germany-when I look into forums where it is about “TBBT”- the most viewers are annoyed about this canon melodramatic “relationship-waste”)
So, if there come further seasons there will be have a lot of chances to create new plot-lines with new (or old) priorities, new(!) relationships……and of course it would be enough time for Penny and Leonard to become divorced…(Giggles)sass
Hope you will bring more great posts like this one in future.
See you here next time.
Until then: Shenny for the win!!!

Oh, Ratman, thanks for the great review (of my review).. Wink Yeah, I think you and I are pretty much on the same page as far as our feelings on these pairings. We must hold onto hope! Smile
"The mark of mediocrity is to look for precedent."   Norman Mailer
[Image: 37a655_50c86c91145d46daa6a26c1f34844feb....00_png_srb]

look at how miserable they are!!

Molaro has revealed that the wedding went ahead and from this 'spoiler' article, there are troubles ahead. HQ News Feed.
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(08-28-2015, 07:07 PM)Tuesday Pajamas Wrote: [Image: 37a655_50c86c91145d46daa6a26c1f34844feb....00_png_srb]

look at how miserable they are!!

Molaro has revealed that the wedding went ahead and from this 'spoiler' article, there are troubles ahead. HQ News Feed.

Can't help but notice, PJ, the striking similarity of poses between this promo pic of Lenny and your avatar. Except the faces/mood is ENTIRELY different:

Penny and Sheldon = Friends+Chemistry+Attraction+Sexual Tension.
Penny and Leonard = Spouses+Honeymoon Night+JUST PLAIN TENSION.

Ach.. Wink
"The mark of mediocrity is to look for precedent."   Norman Mailer
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More news from Moralo and I believe one of our number wondered about this a few weeks back, but they will be using the new Star Wars movie, in an upcoming episode.

More on our News Feed

[Image: 37a655_6eaab0461fec485fb53b69f00b8be92d....00_png_srb]
My guess is that Sheldon wants to camp out for the opening and Amy convinces Penny, Bernadette and Emily to demand date nights that night so the other guys can't join him. Hilarity ensues (not).
The following 2 users Like devilbk's post:
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No, no! Sheldon finally accepts that AFF is right about his "stupid space movies" and goes to her house instead for an evening of coitus, harp music, and Little House on the Prairie.
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As TBBT transitions into a third rate imitation of The Honeymooners.
(08-29-2015, 08:40 AM)devilbk Wrote: As TBBT transitions into a third rate imitation of The Honeymooners.

I feel like I should be offended on the Honeymooners behalf.
“There are no scenes more fun to do, I feel like, than the ones between Sheldon and Penny. They are such a wonderful odd couple.” - Jim Parsons
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(08-29-2015, 07:32 AM)Idle Miscreant Wrote: No, no! Sheldon finally accepts that AFF is right about his "stupid space movies" and goes to her house instead for an evening of coitus, harp music, and Little House on the Prairie.

Big Grin Big Grin Yeah everyone's idea of hell surely!

I wonder how long it took her to throw out that Tardis when it didn't serve her purpose. I bet if we see her bedroom again it won't have the doors anymore.

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