Season 8 Musings
(05-01-2014, 11:21 PM)SpaceAnJL Wrote: I want Amy gone. She poisoned the whole show with her arrival. Leonard is a loathsome little shit, but has potential as a chewtoy for Fate. She's just a blight that needs removing.

Amy just being off the show fixes so many issues. The whole balance is restored.
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With all this talk of Sheldon needing to "grow" as a character, the writers should have him seriously break up with Amy. Them having sex is a one trick pony and with 3 seasons to go, I don't want to sit thru episode after episode of AFF rutting around trying to get satisfaction out of him. Having him break up with her shows:

1)he can recover from a supposedly serious relationship, AFF can move on and find someone who actually gives a shit about her. (he'd be growing all over the place right there)

2) break up the monotony of dysfunctional relationships on this show and

3) puts AFF back in the tertiary character position like she needs to be (a.k.a a big ol' serving of humble pie a certain somebody needs to choke down Dodgy )

It's a win-win-win for all parties involved and I bet it would be hilarious. Tptb can stop recycling scripts and actually write episodes worthy of the $1mil/episode they are paying these people.
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"I want Amy gone. She poisoned the whole show with her arrival."

I want Bernadette gone. I am a huge fan of the Howard-Raj duo, and the idea of them no longer being constant companions breaks my heart.

There was no need to add more characters to this show, period. None. Any dating-related storylines could've been accomplished by using temporary "guest star" characters who only stuck around for an episode or two.

The common argument that "this show didn't have enough female characters" is just flat-out false. I would've greatly preferred to see more of Leslie and Ramona, or maybe Missy, or Dr.Stephanie, or even the Goth girls or the prostitute from Vegas, or just
anyone instead of Thing 1 and Thing 2...

Let us not forget, Seinfeld had only one major female character, and it's a good thing, too, because IMO nobody can hold a candle to Julia.
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(08-17-2014, 07:05 PM)Louise Wrote: "I want Amy gone. She poisoned the whole show with her arrival."

I want Bernadette gone. I am a huge fan of the Howard-Raj duo, and the idea of them no longer being constant companions breaks my heart.

There was no need to add more characters to this show, period. None. Any dating-related storylines could've been accomplished by using temporary "guest star" characters who only stuck around for an episode or two.

The common argument that "this show didn't have enough female characters" is just flat-out false. I would've greatly preferred to see more of Leslie and Ramona, or maybe Missy, or Dr.Stephanie, or even the Goth girls or the prostitute from Vegas, or just
anyone instead of Thing 1 and Thing 2...

Let us not forget, Seinfeld had only one major female character, and it's a good thing, too, because IMO nobody can hold a candle to Julia.

Greetings, Louise! So glad you've joined us!

We have a welcome mat thread in the Weltschmerz forum whimsically titled The Sanctum of Burning Souls should you wish to tell us a little about yourself. It's an OPTIONAL social convention though, so, no pressure.
(08-17-2014, 08:38 PM)thetoadoftruth Wrote: Greetings, Louise! So glad you've joined us!

We have a welcome mat thread in the Weltschmerz forum whimsically titled The Sanctum of Burning Souls should you wish to tell us a little about yourself. It's an OPTIONAL social convention though, so, no pressure.

Thanks for the kind welcome Smile I tend to share as little personal info as possible online, but I might give it a go.
(08-17-2014, 07:05 PM)Louise Wrote: "I want Amy gone. She poisoned the whole show with her arrival."

I want Bernadette gone. I am a huge fan of the Howard-Raj duo, and the idea of them no longer being constant companions breaks my heart.

There was no need to add more characters to this show, period. None. Any dating-related storylines could've been accomplished by using temporary "guest star" characters who only stuck around for an episode or two.

The common argument that "this show didn't have enough female characters" is just flat-out false. I would've greatly preferred to see more of Leslie and Ramona, or maybe Missy, or Dr.Stephanie, or even the Goth girls or the prostitute from Vegas, or just
anyone instead of Thing 1 and Thing 2...

Let us not forget, Seinfeld had only one major female character, and it's a good thing, too, because IMO nobody can hold a candle to Julia.

Good points all around. Just like how Amy is the poison that is killing the Sheldon/Penny/Leonard trifecta, Bernadette is doing the same with the Howard/Raj Dynamic Duo. Doesn't it seem like Howard is losing his magic? The guy looks as bored as I feel watching the show and it's a shame because Simon's comedic talent is being wasted.

Also I'm laughing at the "Thing 1 and Thing 2" Big Grin .
The following 2 users Like queenoftheDales's post:
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Bernadette could have worked as a foil to Penny, a female friend to offset the guys. Turning her into a shrill one-note joke was a dumb decision - but the whole H/B thing is just a tired retread of every henpecked husband trope going. Much funnier if they had spread that developing relationship out, and really used the family backgrounds, the clash between cultures. Howard is a stereotype himself, and SH could do so much better if he had better material to work with. Howard and Raj should have been the running commentary, the Stadtler and Waldorf, to the main action. Turning one of them into a lame expo of 'The Honeymooners' and reducing the other to an offensive ethnic stereotype (Now with Added Homophobic Humour!) is just crap.

edit: The Bechdel Fail is endemic. But the misogyny in the show is deeply unpleasant. The female characters are either shrill harpies, dumb nymphets or disturbing, shambling parodies of humanity in butt-ugly cardigans.
The following 5 users Like SpaceAnJL's post:
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(08-17-2014, 07:05 PM)Louise Wrote: "I want Amy gone. She poisoned the whole show with her arrival."

I want Bernadette gone. I am a huge fan of the Howard-Raj duo, and the idea of them no longer being constant companions breaks my heart.

There was no need to add more characters to this show, period. None. Any dating-related storylines could've been accomplished by using temporary "guest star" characters who only stuck around for an episode or two.

The common argument that "this show didn't have enough female characters" is just flat-out false. I would've greatly preferred to see more of Leslie and Ramona, or maybe Missy, or Dr.Stephanie, or even the Goth girls or the prostitute from Vegas, or just
anyone instead of Thing 1 and Thing 2...

Let us not forget, Seinfeld had only one major female character, and it's a good thing, too, because IMO nobody can hold a candle to Julia.

No arguments here. Both Amy and Bernadette stand out as additions. They don't fit the show and both have a cartoonish feel about them. Oh and welcome to the Q Big Grin
The following 2 users Like Tuesday Pajamas's post:
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The first time I watched the S/A first date with Penny, I thought Amy seemed like a weird and uptight university professor that I just wanted to go away. And I actually thought she'd go away after a few episodes. Morlock

And I agree that the two new ladies just distracts the already good dynamic of the original five. They really could've worked as just guest stars. 'Coz really, what are these ladies doing as of late? Whining and stomping and scolding and shouting and at their respective partners. Yep, they could do those while only being recurring characters.
That's the thing isn't it. If you LIKE the lads just as they are, watching them get yelled at every episode can get very unpleasant.

It’s the same with this “growth” nonsense.
I like my friends immensely, flaws and all. The flaws are part of their identity. I cannot conceive of a situation where I might wish them to alter, to GROW, because then they would not be the characters I love. Moreover, people DO NOT drastically change their personality, interests, habits. The same person might get a little tireder as they get older, or mellow out a bit, BUT – and this is the knobbly crux of my contention – they do NOT suddenly lose their germ-phobia, their obsessive need for routines, and habit of spouting off unusual (and ostensibly unrelated) facts about the universe. They do NOT suddenly stand differently, speak differently, and engage in activities which their previous self abhors and had dismissed as irrelevant. They do not, to wit, become a different person wearing the same clothes.

What particularly irks me here, is that Sheldon as a FICTIONAL character, was drawn in a certain way. He’s not real, he’s ART. The appeal of this PARTICULAR way of drawing him was what made the show popular in the first place.

So he MUST be changed obviously.


(Shouty McCAPITALS is out today, I apologise...)
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