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7.14 The Convention Conundrum
(01-31-2014, 11:48 AM)Gamma12 Wrote: Okay, I thought James Earl Jones did a good job, but the rest of it was kind of a mess.

That whole thing with the girls was stupid. I don't understand who the writers are aiming this stuff at. The three of them sounded like a group of tween girls discussing what they think it means to be a adult, while being firmly mired in adolescence by giving a dam about it in the first place. Writers, being an adult does not mean giving up what you enjoy, pfft.

As for the guys, boring, boring, boring. I think they need some new blood in the writers room. They don't have to worry about new writers getting the characterization right because the old writers seem totally unconcerned with characterization. Confused

[Image: sheldon-tbbt-the-big-bang-theory-Favim.com-232980.gif]

[Image: tumblr_m6obtfnoEH1r1n4hto4_250.gif]
Just because I needed a glimpse of non-toddler Sheldon.

Could not agree more. The guys afraid to open a door? I can see why Bernadette and Penny are soo into Howard and Leonard. The girls just hanging out together was another epic fail IMO.

(01-31-2014, 08:42 PM)CassandraElise Wrote: It was a lot better than I initially thought. I didn't find anything remotely amusing when I read the taping reports, but seeing it in action, I giggled quite a few times during the James Earl Jones and the L/H/R scenes. I felt vindicated that for once Sheldon wasn't given a restraining order on a celebrity, and that the other three guys actually ended up looking like morons for a change. It was reminiscent of earlier seasons, and seeing Sheldon so happy just warmed my heart. Blush I could've done without the girls' tea party. It was superfluous. Do we really need to shoehorn in Bernadette and Amy into every episode? Gah.

Oh, the credits now read, "Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting." I totally squealed and said "aaaaaaaawwww." Smile

A big Amen especially for the Amy and Berndatte comment and no restraining order for Sheldon.

(01-31-2014, 03:58 PM)WITCHDOCTOR FANTASTIC Wrote:
(01-31-2014, 11:48 AM)Gamma12 Wrote: Okay, I thought James Earl Jones did a good job, but the rest of it was kind of a mess.

That whole thing with the girls was stupid. I don't understand who the writers are aiming this stuff at. The three of them sounded like a group of tween girls discussing what they think it means to be a adult, while being firmly mired in adolescence by giving a dam about it in the first place. Writers, being an adult does not mean giving up what you enjoy, pfft.

As for the guys, boring, boring, boring. I think they need some new blood in the writers room. They don't have to worry about new writers getting the characterization right because the old writers seem totally unconcerned with characterization. Confused

[Image: sheldon-tbbt-the-big-bang-theory-Favim.com-232980.gif]

[Image: tumblr_m6obtfnoEH1r1n4hto4_250.gif]
Just because I needed a glimpse of non-toddler Sheldon.

Much like the rest of us Sad

I actually want to see a whole new set of writers. There could at least be a chance there of some change in operation, providing the writers are from an intelligent show. Like 2 Broke Girls. HAHAHAHA. No. But at least 2 Broke Girls knows how campy and corny it is. (I don't mind it at all because of this.)

Honestly, TBBT died 3 seasons ago. Now they've attached strings to the limbs of the corpse and occasionally putting it in the fridge to keep using it. I don't like to say a show has "died" when it's just stopped being made, but TBBT literally walks around with a dead brain and no pulse.

Dead show walking seems about right. Sad
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Overall it's wasn't terrible, it was just okay, boring. Don't get me wrong, I did chuckle a bit in places, but this episode did not go to the DVr bank. It had BASIC dialogue like they just threw this episode together on the fly; a typical filler episode.
JEJ did a decent job with what material he was given. And the sauna scene would have been awesome with a twitchy, Vintage!Sheldon Tongue

The girls bitching about being grown ups? Really guys? That's the best y'all got? (I did my eye roll when Amy was complaining about being a virgin and whatnot. That will be rode into the groundDodgy we get it, Sheldon hasn't touched you yet, *YAWN*)

The subplot with the boys had potential. When it was decided to get the scalped tickets and the seller was going to the apartment, I was thinking 'oh shit, I bet Stuart is the seller, shit's about to get funny, FINALLY!'...sadly the scene was a waste and the boys just became poontangs and hid in a dark apartment. FAIL

Oh and the whole "refresh" thing was funny for about 5 seconds, then it was just annoying.
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There's others but Gripe will call me a voyeur.

Blush Sorry Gripe. I admit it. I admit, damn you!

[Image: tumblr_n08zvea8WB1r1n4hto2_250.gif]
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This is frackin' hilarious! Simon Pegg tweeted "Some guy called Sheldon just called about me attending his convention. I’ll only do it if Little Martin does."

Is that what's known as breaking the fourth wall? Only in reverse?
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I'd rather hope that those two would call the show on its bullshit, actually. Pair of sarcastic bastards.
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I really liked the opening scene. That's as close to vintage TBBT as they ever get anymore.
The guy's scenes were pretty good.
The girl's scene was horrendous. Had to throw in the 1000th poor-sex-starved-Amy line. Bernadette gives Howard an allowance? That's the second time they've implied that they're living off her income. Don't you think Howard's income is enough to afford a ticket to a comic book convention? They're really overdoing the Bernadette-is-Howard's-mother bit.
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(01-30-2014, 04:35 AM)ses1515 Wrote:
(01-30-2014, 04:30 AM)Major Gripe Wrote:
(01-29-2014, 11:07 PM)CassandraElise Wrote: Bless Sheldon's adorable, little, nerd smile. I know TPTB keep trouncing all over his character, but it's moments like this that make me all aflutter: Heart Heart Heart

(And yes, Major Gripe, these hearts are for you!)

[Image: tumblr_mfc480BFB81rq0r8io3_250.gif]

Pajamas, re Icons - Dirty Sock, Adhesive Duck, Panties, Killer Robot, Morlock, Kraken, Death Ray.

Maybe a tiny Spock and chocolates?

I like a Penny blossom (like). soft Kitty (cute), paintball gun (kill me now) TARDIS or MONTE (geekgasm)

(02-01-2014, 01:45 AM)FlyingMonkey Wrote: I really liked the opening scene. That's as close to vintage TBBT as they ever get anymore.
The guy's scenes were pretty good.
The girl's scene was horrendous. Had to throw in the 1000th poor-sex-starved-Amy line. Bernadette gives Howard an allowance? That's the second time they've implied that they're living off her income. Don't you think Howard's income is enough to afford a ticket to a comic book convention? They're really overdoing the Bernadette-is-Howard's-mother bit.

I really liked the opening scene, mostly. I find This Penny really annoying, she used to be more supportive of their hobbies (even bought Leonard & Sheldon a vintage Star Trek toy).

I enjoyed JEJ, he was pretty funny, although I would have rather seen Sheldon a little more in character. Since he wanted to get James for his convention, I didn't mind the things he did, but small things would have made it funnier, (trying to control a tick when dipping his spoon into the ice cream, whimpering "I am the master of my bladder" when James started rocking the Ferris wheel, waking up saying Danger, Danger) a lot of wasted opportunities there.

Girls - So not only were we treated to Bernadette and Amy against Penny again, complete with Penny's drunk jokes, but now we are supposed to believe ANYONE really thought Bernie was Penny's child? The whole thing was a giant lets shit on Penny some more, with generous side doses of Howard is Bernie's kid (allowance, really??) and poor, poor Amy, why won't Sheldon touch her. (Oh, a vomit icon would be great please)

Leonard & the boys- wasted opportunity, and I was really hoping for Stuart to be in this with them. His bland quips were much needed.

I ended giving this a neutral zone, the bad was SO bad it cancelled out any of the good in this episode.

Last thought -Did you see Lorre's vanity card, this is not a show about geeks, but extraordinary people. (See, again a vomit icon is needed)
“There are no scenes more fun to do, I feel like, than the ones between Sheldon and Penny. They are such a wonderful odd couple.” - Jim Parsons
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(02-01-2014, 01:45 AM)FlyingMonkey Wrote: I really liked the opening scene. That's as close to vintage TBBT as they ever get anymore.
The guy's scenes were pretty good.
The girl's scene was horrendous. Had to throw in the 1000th poor-sex-starved-Amy line. Bernadette gives Howard an allowance? That's the second time they've implied that they're living off her income. Don't you think Howard's income is enough to afford a ticket to a comic book convention? They're really overdoing the Bernadette-is-Howard's-mother bit.

I agree. It was as close to vintage as we've seen in a while. But the girls' scenes...Ugh. I am so sick of the Howard-married-his-mother trope. Bernadette used to be nothing like his mother. Now...not so much.
Avatar by wickedgrdn @ LJ
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(02-01-2014, 01:45 AM)FlyingMonkey Wrote: I really liked the opening scene. That's as close to vintage TBBT as they ever get anymore.
The guy's scenes were pretty good.
The girl's scene was horrendous. Had to throw in the 1000th poor-sex-starved-Amy line. Bernadette gives Howard an allowance? That's the second time they've implied that they're living off her income. Don't you think Howard's income is enough to afford a ticket to a comic book convention? They're really overdoing the Bernadette-is-Howard's-mother bit.

I did like the refresh scene and it was then taken too far. The guys afraid to answer the door was a little weak, especially when they go after things about Sheldon. I also thought the girls scenes were horrendous. Bernadette giving Howard an allowance was lame. Sadly I feel the Bernie character has gone down hill fast. Sad
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(02-01-2014, 02:48 AM)CassandraElise Wrote:
(02-01-2014, 01:45 AM)FlyingMonkey Wrote: I really liked the opening scene. That's as close to vintage TBBT as they ever get anymore.
The guy's scenes were pretty good.
The girl's scene was horrendous. Had to throw in the 1000th poor-sex-starved-Amy line. Bernadette gives Howard an allowance? That's the second time they've implied that they're living off her income. Don't you think Howard's income is enough to afford a ticket to a comic book convention? They're really overdoing the Bernadette-is-Howard's-mother bit.

I agree. It was as close to vintage as we've seen in a while. But the girls' scenes...Ugh. I am so sick of the Howard-married-his-mother trope. Bernadette used to be nothing like his mother. Now...not so much.

Doesn't it seem that anymore when it's just the girls together they try to make Penny look really bad? Not just the drunk jokes or the stupid jokes, but physically less put together. When they were princesses she was a messy sleeping beauty, the episode where she munching on chips and looking grumpy, this one and several others. Apparently it's not enough to just make her look like a loser when compared to the other two, they have to bring her down a little more. I really hate the girls only scenes anymore, it's like a group of bitchy high school girls.
Oh wow, oh wow, what an adventure.
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