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Shenny's Cognitive Theory of Dreaming! - Kimk26 - 10-20-2015

I'd like to start a thread on dreams we've had that involve characters from the show. Specifically Sheldon and/or Penny (though other character appearances are always welcome!) Sheldon might dismiss it all as hokum, but according to behavioral psychologist Calvin Hall (1909-1985), who drew worldwide attention for his cognitive theory of dreaming--which was among the first scientific theories of dream interpretation based on quantitative analysis..rather than wishful thinking--dreams are like maps to our actions, and "with these maps we are able to follow the course of man's behavior, to understand why he selects one road rather than another, to anticipate the difficulties and obstacles he will encounter, and to predict his destinations."

The idea for this thread came to me as I've recently recalled a therapy session from about a year ago, in which I described a dream I had to my therapist (yes, I have a therapist. I'm a writer, aren't I?)--God bless her--took it seriously enough to interpret. Even after I mentioned that tv characters seemed to help me solve my plight! 

So, yeah, I'll tell you guys that story. Feel free to offer any analysis of your own (if you're into that kind of thing). And maybe some of you have had the BBT characters make appearances in your own dreams. Could be interesting!

RE: Shenny's Cognitive Theory of Dreaming! - Kimk26 - 10-20-2015

Okay, so about a year ago, when I was working a receptionist gig at a non-profit teaching the English language--as well as helping people brush up on the subjects needed to attain their GED's--I was invited to a swell cocktail party. A book fundraiser for the organization. I'd never been to such an affair, and was glad to be invited/included. The dream I had took place the night of this swank affair.

So, in this dream, I'm at this swank cocktail party. Yeah, I was at the fundraising thing. But instead of it being at the modern/contemporary-styled hotel, it was held in some kind of mansion. With gilt chandeliers and the whole bit. There was a guy there that I had my eye on. A photographer that's one of the volunteer tutors at the literacy place. This guy is FUNNY and smart and nice. And just someone that..well, he makes a pretty damn memorable first impression. His name is Troy. When he introduced himself to me, it was like, he stepped forward with his dominant leg, yes, planted his foot, held his hand out, and announced, "I'm TROY!" But, instead of extending his hand in a handshake, it was extended like, when Penny said, "I'm an ACTOR!" This made me love him right from the get-go. 

So anyway, I did end up spending time talking to Troy at the actual fundraiser. So it was weird how much, in the dream, stuff played out like it did in real life. Except, Troy and I were some kind of established couple. Only, as friendly and warm and demonstrative he is in real life, this version of Troy was more reserved. And serious. Which I didn't know what to do with. 

Okay, so I'm flitting about at this cocktail party. Making the rounds. When I find Troy, I see he's sitting with a much older woman. One with $$, as she's dripping in furs and diamonds. So I come up behind him, to plant an affectionate kiss on his cheek. Now, RL Kim..I don't do that. I'm more or less like Vintage Sheldon in that I don't do the PDA stuff. Even though I'm a warm person, and can be touchy-feely, it doesn't always seem an appropriate thing. And especially if it makes the other person uncomfortable (which I think it generally can.) 

But in the dream..well, RL Troy is SUCH a nice guy. He's so friendly and..he just doesn't seem to care whether he's approved of or not. So I guess I sort of see him as someone that would appreciate a small token of affection. But in the dream, he stiffened when I put my arms around him. Became aloof, uncomfortable. And I was all like, wth? 'Cos I had this sense that Dream Troy had gotten my defenses down, as I believe Real Troy would. But then I realized, he was showing discomfort because of this Cruella DeVille type chick sitting across from him. She looked down her nose at me (imagine a person sitting down looking down her nose at a person sitting up. Quite a trick!)  

Anyway..this pissed me off. The realization that this chick was disapproving of me. Or, at least the kind of relationship between myself and Troy. And he seemed to be trying to please her, get her approval. Which just turned me off completely. So..well, in general, I try to avoid conflicts. I don't like making waves. Especially with people I feel are trying to intimidate me. But in the dream, I was I stepped forward, and said, "Look you old bitty. I don't care if you approve of me or not. Just 'cos you've got money..doesn't give you carte blanche to control everyone in the room" etc, etc. So, with one last look at the now pitiable Troy, I walked out of the room. And straight into another.

(Cont'd on next comment)

RE: Shenny's Cognitive Theory of Dreaming! - Kimk26 - 10-20-2015

This next room was kind of a large living room. Yeah, with the gilt chandeliers, mirrors everywhere, white pillars, etc. And it also was filled with people. Thing is, I look down and see that there's broken glass all over the floor. And now also that I'm not wearing shoes. I'm barefoot. And I realize I'm surrounded by all this broken glass. I can't step a foot in any direction. I grab onto something nearby, a drape, maybe. And start calling for help. There's so many people there, and everyone's talking at once..any calls I make seem to be drowned out by all the din. Well, finally someone hears my calls, and comes to my rescue. The couple who own the house, that are giving the party. And it's Sheldon and Penny! And of course, they're Vintage Shenny! Penny is kind and worried about me, and is allaying my fears, trying to come up with a solution. And Sheldon..he seems confused. He's got that lost, alien look going. Like, I was expecting him to offer me a hot beverage, just so he could be of some help. But in short order Penny comes up with a solution. She tells Sheldon to go upstairs to the bedroom and bring her a pair of her shoes for me. And I'm just so relieved I could hug her (if I wasn't hanging onto the drape so tightly!)

So yeah, Sheldon comes back with the shoes. And they're flip-flops, of course! I try to step into them, but they're too small. I realize it's just a temporary solution, but I'm annoyed all the same. I'm also annoyed that the shoes aren't my taste. They look fine on Penny, but they're not 'me'. So, inside I was disappointed, and trying to hide my aggravation. This is all I remember from the dream.

Now, I brought it up to my therapist the next time I saw her, because I felt it was chock-full of symbolism, and wanted her take on it. To my surprise (and delight) she offered right away to interpret it. We'd never talked dreams prior to that. And being that therapy was something pretty new to me at the time, I wasn't sure if she'd dismiss dream interpretation as hokum. 

Anyway..yada yada..she interpreted the broken glass and me being barefoot as me looking at all kind of possibilities in my life. And consequently, having to make decisions that are scary for me. At that time I was feeling very lost and overwhelmed in real life. And yes, I have a hard time making decisions because I see so many possibilities, and I'm always afraid I'm going to make the wrong choice and be stuck with it. Or, have to backtrack and waste all kinds of precious time. I kind of see Sheldon that way. Or Vintage Sheldon, at least. But that's a tangent for another thread. 

The part that's interesting to me most (and why I wanted to share it here) was when I told her her the hosts of the party were Penny and Sheldon. Yeah, I admit it, I was embarrassed to share this part/aspect of the dream. But again, she reassured me. She was glad I told her this part because she felt it was important for me to understand why Sheldon and Penny were the hosts of this party. And the significance of them coming to my aid. She said they represent people that I consider nice and worthy of my trust. That I obviously feel safe about them or something. Or..the fact that the hosts were fictional characters I look up to/like, was a good sign in the dream. That, even though I was in a scary position, worried about making a choice and the possibilities of getting hurt, the fact that I was supported by people I trust, and a solution was found, that told her that my subconscious was telling me it's okay to make a decision. There's more to it than this, but I just wanted to tell the part about Sheldon and Penny. And the fact that my therapist thought their inclusion in my dream was something positive. And more surprisingly, nothing to feel ashamed to admit.

RE: Shenny's Cognitive Theory of Dreaming! - Kimk26 - 10-30-2015

Ooh, a friend of mine wrote to me the other day, telling me about a dream he had that was set in the Big Bang universe. Right up my alley!

Anyhoo..I thought it was awesome, so asked him if I could repost it here. I'm not aware that he's a big fan of the show, as it never comes up between us in conversation. But according to this dream, it seems he's familiar with it.

Last night's dream was weird, to say the least. Funny thing is it kind of had to
do with Big Bang Theory, more or less, but in typical dream fashion it was also
kind of messed up, and not right.

  In the dream it was like part of the time I was Leonard, and part of the time I was
myself, me. I think the dream is taking place somewhere like a bus station or something,
NOT anything along the lines of the set of the show. Just some weird place, maybe
an airport.
  Anyway, in the dream I guess me/Leonard is anxious to see Penny, as she's been
away, and is due to return home. I guess we're there to meet her, or pick her up
or something like that.
  In the dream Leonard and Penny are engaged, I guess, but not married yet.
Well, Penny comes in, off a bus/plane, whatever, and she breaks up with Leonard!
  The thing is, wherever she was and whatever she was doing she met this guy.

  In the dream Leonard/me is all worked up. Cold, stunned, just dealt this huge
emotional blow, and not sure what to make of it. Like life was just falling apart.

  Penny, I guess, had been away, working at some place, who knows what or where,
and this guy I think worked under her, or she was his boss or something. And they
hit it off, and she came home with him.
  So Leonard/me is waiting for Penny, and she shows up with this GUY, and that
was that.

  Sheldon was saying something or other, this is part that I don't really remember.
It was something like how Charles is in charge, and he never went around hooking
up with people he worked with. I guess the girls in the house?
  I guess Sheldon's rant had something to do with Penny being in charge. Of the guy?
At whatever job? I don't remember. Sheldon was trying to make Leonard feel better,
so was trying to make some kind of points about the situation.

  Well, although Leonard is all kinds of sad and messed up he meets the guy, and the
guy is good looking, for one, and he's not a bad guy, he's actually a really great person.
  Leonard I think, was hoping the guy would be some jerk, so at least he could hate him,
but in a way Leonard sort of accepts what's going on, even though the guy makes him
feel worse about himself, Leonard can't be upset at the guy.
  He doesn't really LIKE the guy, but he thinks he's a good guy, and Leonard feels
sort of worse, like he can't fault Penny, because the guy is pretty great, though it
makes Leonard feel kind of worse about himself. Does that make sense?

  Sheldon and Raj are trying to "defend" Leonard, and more or less bad-mouth the
new guy, and Leonard can't. He can't really find fault with the guy, he just feels
a lack with himself. He thinks Penny was right to dump him for this other guy.
  At this point in the dream I'm just sort of watching, but it's like I know what's going
on in Leonard's head.

  So then Penny springs it on everyone that she and this guy are engaged, and
it seems like a really good thing. The guy is a lot better for Penny than Leonard is,
and even Leonard realizes that, so he's hurt, but admits it's for the best, well, HER
best, anyway.
  I don't remember the guy's name in the dream. It was just some common name, not
something really cool, or suave. I think it was Michael. Not even Mike, for short.
Michael. And I think Penny was working with criminals, or like a half-way house, or
something, and the guys think this Michael is some loser criminal, or whatever, but
he's not, he was working there, too, and maybe Penny was his supervisor, or she
was the lead-person In Charge, or something, hence Sheldon's rant about Charles
being in charge, and etc.
  The guy had the looks. He was sort of like Eddie, from Eddie & The Cruisers. Not a
thug, sort of like James Dean, like a cool guy.

  So, as the dream is going on it's like Leonard is trying to tell himself all the reasons
why this guy is better for Penny than he is. Better looking, taller, more muscular, cooler,
etc. etc. and the way he and Penny seemed to get along was not like how Leonard and
Penny were together at all. A much better couple, even Leonard had to admit.

  At about that point I woke up. And I'm thinking, well, what happens NOW? It's
like that was last week's episode, and I don't know what the next one will be about.
Is Michael going to be part of the show? Is the show going to change and write Penny
off? How is Leonard going to deal with being across the hall from Penny and this
GUY, as I got the impression he came "home" with her from wherever they'd been.

  I laid in bed, awake for a while thinking on all that. I think Penny was better off.
In reality I don't think Leonard and Penny are a good match, and that they aren't
right for eachother.
  I get that at the start of the show the basic concept was geek guy lusting after
Hot New Chick and he doesn't really stand a chance, but somehow ends up with
her. The thing is I think they shouldn't have gotten married at all. I think it was
a mistake. I think each would be better off with someone else. Leonard maybe
someone more like...what's her name? Leslie Winkle? Or even that really pretty
girl that liked him that was working for Sheldon. Alex?

  And Penny. Ok, so she kind of stopped dating stupid losers with good looks. I
get that, but I think she should've ended up with someone else, too. Maybe she
was "maturing" or growing, or whatever, but dang to go from Hot Dumb Guys
to Leonard has always been kind of a long stretch for me.  Maybe someone
like that married physicist that was working with Leonard in that one episode,
only not married. He was good looking, and smart, but acted like a regular Joe.
  He wasn't awkward and socially inept like Leonard. A good happy medium,
except that he was married, and was cheating on his wife with Penny. But still,
maybe someone more like that. Only single. Better match.

RE: Shenny's Cognitive Theory of Dreaming! - wellplayedpenny - 10-30-2015

Normally I'm not one for the hokum that is dream analysis, etc., but I will say that Sheldon's afterlife sequences in my story, Leap of Faith, came from a dream. I was quite startled at how vivid and complete it was and when I awoke about 3ish in the morning I spent until 5:30am writing up the outline.

My practice original novel is also one that could have very easily been a Shenny. While not as complete, it, too, also came in a dream.

I really envy writers like Space and Risknight who can just pop off ideas and run with them. I seem to require nocturnal inspiration in order to get things going.