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The Big Bang Theory Drinking Game - devilbk - 03-13-2014

We are going to establish the rules for our very own drinking game. The ultimate object of the game is to forget the episode you just watched.

Every time Amy says "Sheldon" take a shot.

RE: The Big Bang Theory Drinking Game - Tuesday Pajamas - 03-13-2014

And if you end up sober at the end of 22 minutes then it must have been a good episode. Big Grin

Number 1

Take a drink if Amy tries to manipulate physical contact from Sheldon. YAH!!

RE: The Big Bang Theory Drinking Game - devilbk - 03-13-2014

And if you don't make it past the second commercial break it must be a really bad one.

RE: The Big Bang Theory Drinking Game - Tuesday Pajamas - 03-13-2014

Number 2

Take a drink whenever Penny is made to look stupider than Zack.

RE: The Big Bang Theory Drinking Game - devilbk - 03-13-2014

Number 3: Take a drink whenever Penny takes a drink.

RE: The Big Bang Theory Drinking Game - queenoftheDales - 03-13-2014

Take a drink every time Raj says he is lonely

RE: The Big Bang Theory Drinking Game - FlyingMonkey - 03-13-2014

Take two drinks whenever Amy uses that quavery voice. "Oooohh Sheldonnnnn" SockSock

RE: The Big Bang Theory Drinking Game - devilbk - 03-13-2014

STOP drinking if Sheldon ever mentions getting a Nobel.

RE: The Big Bang Theory Drinking Game - Tuesday Pajamas - 03-13-2014

At this rate none of us will remember the end of season 7. Result! Big Grin

RE: The Big Bang Theory Drinking Game - Idle Miscreant - 03-13-2014

Alright so my contributions to the TBBT Seasons 5 -7 (The Jar Jar Years) Drinking Game - Elitist Miserable Bastard Version;

Stuart makes a remark of existential depression which is ignored.
Raj makes a racist Indian joke, but it’s grand, because he’s Indian.
Penny makes a joke about her drinking/promiscuity/intelligence.
Other characters make a joke about Penny’s drinking/promiscuity/intelligence (3 drinks if it’s Leonard)
Penny’s tits or arse are used as the punchline to a joke.
Sheldon says something conventionally “sitcom nasty” about Penny, for no discernable reason (other than cheap digs and deliberate schism-making on behalf of the writers)
Sheldon acts like a toddler or bawling infant for no discernable reason.
Sheldon acts like a Sexpot or Traditional Sitcom Male, for no discernable reason (3 drinks)
Sheldon is referred to as a Pet/Child/Object by his dear friends (3 drinks if by Amy)
Sheldon is described as Annoying or Objectionable (3 drinks if by Amy)
Wanton re-writing of character occurs (Penny’s inability to use glue, Sheldon’s mysteriously absent Germ Phobia, Amy’s apparent life-long desire to acquire a mate, when previously she was written as completely disinterested in such banalities)
Obligatory sex joke from Amy, or long-suffering look.
Homophobic joke from Raj, but it’s grand because he’s “kind of gay, but not really folks, because this is family entertainment after all, and we can’t have that!”
Raj or Stuart mention or demonstrate how pathetic being single is.
Sheldon’s “growth”, Amy’s “influence” or Leonard’s “romance” are ham-fistedly captioned by other characters, because quite frankly, the audience would have missed them, otherwise. Ultimately the show itself won’t be necessary, just a string of Moral Flashcards.
Recycled scene from early seasons, usually replacing Penny with Amy.
Guest character marched on and marched off for no discernable reason.

How many of these do we need exactly? We are going to get utterly shitfaced following these…