03-15-2014, 08:35 PM
Like Shawshank Redemption, but instead of ingratiating yourself with the warden and instigating a cannily orchestrated money laundering operation spanning 19 years, swimming through half a mile of sewage, and being narrated by Morgan Freeman, you just have to click some episodes you thought were reasonable…So nothing like Shawshank Redemption actually. Just pick some goddamn episodes.
I realise that for most of us this is like picking which shards are prettiest out of the bottle which was just smashed over our sconce, but let’s give it a shot regardless.
For example, some of the ones I rather liked I know are quite unpopular, even around here, so it’d be interesting if there turned out to be some sort of HQ consensus, despite these personal discrepancies.
I’m going for;
Convention (despite balloon-animal Sheldon)
I’d also like to give an honourable mention to Itchy Brain, which EVERYONE seems to dislike. I thought it was rather surreal and black-humoured…
You will note there are only 15 options on the Poll by default. I hope you won’t all mind, but I’ve taken the liberty of removing three episodes that I’m sure will be bitterly missed. Namely; Locomotive, Romance and Table. Because they were so wildly popular here that I feared they might overshadow all the rest. Leonard’s sarcasm sign isn’t really necessary here is it…
And yes the season’s not over yet. But I wanted to make a Poll. Pajamas makes it look so easy, dammit...
I realise that for most of us this is like picking which shards are prettiest out of the bottle which was just smashed over our sconce, but let’s give it a shot regardless.
For example, some of the ones I rather liked I know are quite unpopular, even around here, so it’d be interesting if there turned out to be some sort of HQ consensus, despite these personal discrepancies.
I’m going for;
Convention (despite balloon-animal Sheldon)
I’d also like to give an honourable mention to Itchy Brain, which EVERYONE seems to dislike. I thought it was rather surreal and black-humoured…
You will note there are only 15 options on the Poll by default. I hope you won’t all mind, but I’ve taken the liberty of removing three episodes that I’m sure will be bitterly missed. Namely; Locomotive, Romance and Table. Because they were so wildly popular here that I feared they might overshadow all the rest. Leonard’s sarcasm sign isn’t really necessary here is it…
And yes the season’s not over yet. But I wanted to make a Poll. Pajamas makes it look so easy, dammit...